Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Impossible

Matt and I went on a date last night to see "The Impossible."  We had prolonged to see this movie because we knew it was going to be extremely intense and sad.  As we got to the theater, I went in with an open heart, ready to learn something about this devastating true story.  

If you have not heard of this movie or seen it, it's about a family who survived the unexpected tsunami that hit Southeast Asia in 2004.  I don't want to give anything away, just in case you'd like to see the movie as well.

Going into events like this with an open heart I find inspiring.  I've noticed lately that I've had a lot of negative feelings in my heart regarding many things.  After watching this family experience this, it made me realize that anything can happen on any given day.

We must live each day as if it were our last.  Love one another deeply just in case it's our last moment.  Live with no regrets.

Some days, it's hard to have a positive outlook on life, especially when times get tough.  Often times, you feel angry, hurt, alone, and ready to give up on everything.  

Never give up.  Life isn't easy.  It's also not forever.  You might question why you are in a certain situation, but you are in it for a reason.  Lend a helping hand, smile, laugh, and love unconditionally.  It makes every bit of difference.

You may think and hope your life will end up how you always imagined it.  And maybe it will.  Just remember, unexpected things do happen, so make the best out of of every moment you have.

" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord." -Jeremiah 29:11

God bless and have a wonderful Sunday!