Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How does 2015 look for you?

I wrote this blog post back at the end of 2012 and made it my ultimate goal to better myself in these 4 core areas.  I lasted until about May and then everything kind of crumbled into a million pieces after that.  I never set anything for 2014 due to other things I was going through and I feel like I could have handled things I went through so much better had I tried to set goals to better myself.  Even though I set these goals when I was in a different life, I feel I can still follow these guidelines for the upcoming year....

Will you join me in this journey?

Here was my story then, but the goals are what I will focus on now.....


How many of you out there make New Year's resolutions...to better yourself in some way?

How many of you actually follow through with them?

Not me!

2013 is going to be different, at least for me.

After Christmas service, my mom grabbed a CD and a calendar off the table in the lobby of the church.  She handed them both to me.  

Oh great, something I probably won't listen to.

I thanked her anyway and told her I would listen to it.

She suggested I listen to it on our long drive back to Texas.  After we pulled out of the driveway, Matt and I looked at each other.  We agreed to listen to the CD.

Matt popped the CD into the CD player and this guy with an Australian accent blasted through the speakers.

Are you kidding me?  I thought this was just a Christmas CD with the traditional Christmas music.  There is no way I can listen to someone speak as I drive...I will fall asleep.

We let it play for about 2 minutes before we ejected the CD and put in one of my Christmas music CDs.

The next morning, I woke up to a text from my mom saying something along these lines...

"Morning!!  I highly recommend digging that CD out I got you from church and listening to it as you drive...great message!  Has no denominational take.  It can't hurt.  It may help greatly.  Love you!  Safe travels!"

Of course I snarled but had a little tug on my heart.

As we started down the highway, I asked Matt to stick the CD back in.  He snarled too.  I read the cover of the CD.  

Be The Best Version of Yourself
Matthew Kelly

I was completely blown away with the message he gave on this CD.  As he spoke, I felt like he was speaking to me.  He talked about how God's want for us here on earth is to continue to better ourselves and become the best version of ourselves.  

I was not a very good version on myself this year (2012).  I wasn't exactly the most patient wife, I was always complaining, I didn't take care of myself like I should have....

He described four core areas that we should all work on throughout the next year.  The areas include:


He then went into giving examples on how to better ourselves in each of this core areas.

Physical: How many of us are always low in energy?  I know I am.  I always seem to get about an hour, maybe two of full energy before I crash.  He said we should make it a goal this year to exercise at least ONCE a week, every week for the entire year.  Pick a day you will work out and stick to it.

Manageable, right?

Matt got me a yoga kit for my birthday that I plan on using as a part of my physical improvement.  The more energy we have, the happier we are.  When we exercise, we feel better about ourselves...and our bodies also release endorphins that will give us more energy.

Emotional: When a relationship with someone is great, we are happier, right?  In order to keep that happiness in our lives, we need to make an effort to spend more quality time with our significant other.  Matthew Kelly said for the next year, pick one day a month, every month, for the entire year to do something with your significant other or someone you love.  It doesn't have to be a big luxurious vacation, but something different each time. Sit down at the beginning of the month, pick a day and place.  Plan for it and follow through.  It'll make a difference in your relationship which will increase your happiness.

Intellectual: For 10 minutes a day, every day for an entire year, read a "good" book.  A "good" book is a book that will help improve yourself.  It could be a self help book, Bible, etc... something that you will take something positive from it and apply it to your every day life.  When we feel better about ourselves, we are much happier.

See a theme going on?  Happiness :)

Spiritual: Matthew Kelly was specifically talking about Catholicism.  I grew up Catholic but have not been a practicing Catholic for the last few years.  Why?  Because the Mass was too boring, too traditional, always the same thing every Sunday, etc.  Many Catholics say that, right?  Even though I'm not involved in a church as of right now, I figured this next task could still be done.

Get a journal.  Take it to church with you every Sunday (or take it with you where ever you go).  On the front, write, "Things I've learned to be a better version on myself."  Every Sunday, write down ONE thing you heard that could help you become a better version of yourself.  Not only will you find ways to improve yourself, you'll aso find church more enjoyable.

Even if you don't go to church (like me), this is a great chance to take every day life experiences and turn ONE event that happens each day or each week into something that could help you become a better version of yourself.

I'm looking forward to finally sticking to my New Year's resolution this year.  I want to be a better person, a better friend, a better sister, a better daughter, and a better wife.  I feel that focusing on these four core areas frequently throughout the year will help me become a better version of myself.

Anyone else willing to try?

Whatever your resolution may be, I hope you find happiness and become a better version of yourself this year!

God Bless!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Starting 2014 off right!

Life is tough.

There are many opportunities that will come your way... 
and in those times, you will succeed and you will fail.

It's easy to rejoice with the positive things in your life.

You find your dream job.
You find love and get married.
You have children and start a family.

When you fail, it's difficult to rejoice and be happy.  Often times, we find ourselves becoming discouraged, angry, and sometimes depressed.

In these times, we must remember that everything happens for a reason.

Out of every bad situation, comes something good.

I've fallen into both categories and have experienced a range of emotions throughout each opportunity I've been given.

I've found that remaining positive when things get tough allows you to feel better about everything.

You've lost your job.  Your marriage is failing.  You've had an injury.  You lost someone very close and dear to you.

All of these things are tragic and incredibly difficult times.  

It's okay to cry.  
It's okay to be angry.

But don't let those negative feelings consume your life.

God will never give us something we can't handle; even if it's so tough you don't think you'll make it until tomorrow.

You're wrong.  You will.

And the best part about that is.....

You'll be stronger.

Each day you'll be a stronger person and you'll be able to face anything that comes your way.

Life is tough.

But YOU are stronger.