Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Letter to my sister...

Some of my best writing happens when I'm sitting alone in my apartment...

very late at night....

and almost falling over due to being so tired.

Even though I'm so tired, my heart is truly filled with joy right now.

Everyone has had their struggles this year and throughout their lives.  Some more than others.  One thing I've noticed though is how much stronger each of these individuals have gotten while facing their struggles.

I can happily say, I'm one of those people.  I stand strong today because of what I've been through this last year.  I've lost a lot a long the way.  I even got a little lost along the way.  However, I gained a lot too.  And I know all those other people who have been struggling have gained a lot in their tough journey as well.

Watching my sister pack her life into boxes as she starts her new journey, I'm filled with such happiness for her.  She is one of the strongest people I know.  She has been through hell and back throughout her life.  Being born with cerebral palsy, having epilepsy for most of her childhood, and dealing with people passing judgment because of these things.... she made it.  She stood strong in her faith in God.  She never lost sight of her bright future or herself.  She might have fallen off the path, just like we all have, but as soon as she got right back on, she was stronger than ever.

These last few weeks, I've gotten to share some amazing times with both my sister and my mom.  We've had more laughs and shared memories in the last 2 weeks, and it warms my heart to know that I'm blessed to be apart of this family.

As today is my last full day with my twin sister, I want to share these words with her....


Life has definitely not come easy for you.  I remember growing up, I was always so jealous of you because you got all of the attention and poor little Kara was left in the dust.  Looking back though, I'm glad it was that way.  Because during that time, you taught me so much about life and myself.

You taught me that it doesn't matter what others think about you.  People always saw you as something different.  But you didn't.  You saw yourself exactly as you were.  You were Kimberly Collins and you were okay with that!

You always had a smile on your face and no one wold have known you had been through surgery or that you were on a diet to help with seizures.  Even when you had seizures, once you came back to consciousness, what did you do.  You smiled.

You inspire me, Kimi.  There are days I wish I was as strong as you.  You will do great things in Carey and you will make Lukas a very happy man.  He is truly blessed to have you in his life, and I know he knows that.  I also know he will never take you for granted.  He sees your strength and he loves you because of who you were, who you are, and who you are destined to be.

God continues to work through you.  Never let that flame within you go out.  It changes peoples lives.  It changed mine!

I love you and will miss you!

Your wombmate (haha, couldn't keep it all serious!) :)


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Derby Pie

This has been a highly requested recipe....

So here ya go!

This is my mom's recipe for derby pie....

One of the best!

1 stick of butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
A pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla extract 
1/2 cup flour
1 cup Chocolate Chips
1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts (I prefer pecans)
1 regular frozen pie crust


*Microwave butter for 30 seconds (soften)
*Cream in 1 cup of sugar
*Add 2 eggs and blend together
*Add pinch of salt and tsp of vanilla extract
*Stir in 1/2 cup of flour
*Stir in 1 cup of chocolate chips and 1 cup of chopped nuts
*Pour into pie crust

Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees or until it sets in the middle.

Serve with some vanilla ice cream and enjoy a Kentucky Derby tradition :)