Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Grateful Heart

Lord God Almighty,
YOU have brought us safely to the beginning of this day,
Defend us in it by Your mighty power,
That this day we may not fall into sin,
But that all our words may be spoken
And all our thoughts and actions directed in such manner
As always to be pleasing in Your sight. 
Through Christ our Lord.  

How often do we wake up with a grateful heart?  Most mornings, the first thought that crosses my mind is, "No, I'm too tired.  I don't want to get up.  Why do I have to get up??"

And let's not forget those mornings where we wake up late and have to rush around to get out the door on time.  Those thoughts and words are often far from grateful.  Mine are filled with some negative language and anxiety.

This morning though, I woke up wanting to have a grateful heart.  I've been blessed with so many things lately, and as I opened my eyes, I thanked God for every single thing in my life.  

I thanked Him for a safe place to live.  Family to love.  Friends to grow closer to.  A beautiful sunrise.  A faith that I continue to grow and learn more about.  A special someone who God brought into my life.  Someone who is showing me what trusting the Lord is all about. 

It took me a long time to understand that I had to be happy with myself before I could find happiness with someone else.  Someone that God had just for me.

Most people believe that happiness comes from others.  I believed this for almost 25 years until I failed at something I never thought I would.

But with God's grace, I learned that my happiness, my joy, my love, and my faithful heart all come from Him.  In order to give yourself fully to people in your life, you must love God.  In return, you will love yourself.  And by loving yourself, you can share that love and happiness with those around you.  

So this morning, I'm grateful for God's unconditional love and faithfulness.  What are you thankful for?