Friday, December 25, 2015

The Heart of Christmas

"Lord our God, with the birth of your Son, your glory breaks on the world. Through the night hours of the darkened earth, we your people watch for the coming of your promised Son. As we wait, give us a foretaste of the joy that you will grant us when the fullness of his glory has filled the earth, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. Amen."

This new year is the year of mercy and forgiveness.

As the days led up to this beautiful day in which we celebrate Christ's birth, I tried to grasp the true meaning of Advent.

The word Advent comes from the Latin word "coming."

For many years, Christmas to me was all about presents, cookie making, decorations, and all the worldly things it has become.

During the Advent season, I tried to read a passage from my advent devotional book I picked up from the Basilica in Carey, OH.

Each passage was filled with many reflections on how to strengthen my relationship with my faith and Christ.

Each night, I tried to remember that Advent was intended for the preparation of Christ's arrival, his birth that we celebrate on Christmas Day as well as his second coming.

And I needed to prepare my heart.

I will admit that a lot of those days, my heart was cold. I could barely even think of the true meaning of Advent because my life was so wrapped up with doctor's appointments, stress at work, stress of finding the perfect gifts for everyone, and even stress to make everything look just right for Christmas in my apartment.

Even at the beginning of this week, leading up to Christmas, I could feel myself slipping so far away that I became angry.  My anxiety intensified.  I could feel Satan pulling me so far away from the true meaning of this season.

One night, I finally sat down and realized I was focusing on things that weren't important.  I was allowing all of the negative things in my life take over what I was striving to find this season....






And in that moment, I felt all of these things I'd been searching for.  I forgave those who have done me wrong.  I asked for forgiveness for all the wrong I had done.  I could feel God's presence within me during this quiet reflection and I felt His mercy and grace.  I felt peace and joy.  I felt His unconditional love.

From that day forward this week, for the first time in 27 years, I finally grasped the true meaning of Christmas.

This season is about sharing laughter and love with those family and friends around you.

This season is about being thankful for all you've been blessed with, big or small.

This season is about forgiveness and mercy.

This season is to recognize the good in people and also the good within yourself.

This season is about our Lord Jesus Christ, who came into this world to teach us all of these things and many more.

I truly believe that the heart of Christmas, taught to us by Christ Himself, is to cherish each moment we have on this earth.  No matter how difficult our journey is, no matter how much we stumbled and fall off that path, no matter how many horrible things we face, we are to cherish each day given to us.  

I pray this Christmas brings all of you so many blessings, love, laughter, and joy that will last throughout the new year...a year of mercy!

Merry Christmas to all of you!

You're here for a reason and a purpose!

Don't let your light burn out.
Inspire those around you.

Be the LIGHT in this DARK WORLD,

and shine the love of Christ from within,
today and always!

-Isaiah 9:6