Saturday, July 29, 2017

Rediscovering God's Blessings

God's blessings are all around us.

They are hard to see at times, especially when life's stresses take over every part of your being, causing you to be foggy-minded, unable to focus on what's important, completely exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically...

Just completely shut off to everything.

I know this because that was me this morning.

I woke up more exhausted than I have ever been.
I was so emotionally drained from all the stress in my life lately that I couldn't even cry to get rid of the dullness in my heart.

I was on autopilot all morning, going through the motions to maintain life's needs.
Cleaning, laundry, taking care of myself...

I finally had a quick moment to come outside with my coffee and just be quiet.

As I sat here, I watched all of the things around me, trying to find peace.

Still feeling rather dull, I pulled out my phone to start playing my Christian playlist on Spotify in hopes to find that peace.

Find happiness.
Find God.

The moment I started playing music I heard this humming sound above my head.

As I glanced up, there was a light metallic green hummingbird within inches of my face just staring at me, getting closer with each second.

It startled me at first and I jumped back.
The hummingbird didn't even flinch.  It just kept moving closer to my face.

I felt as if it was telling me,

"It's okay.  Do not fear.  I will not harm you."

 I heard God speaking to me as the hummingbird continued to hang out around my face for what felt like forever.

I started talking to this precious gift from God and it cocked its head as if it actually understood what I was saying.

It began to fly away, but then turned around and came back and did it again.  

It finally landed on the hummingbird feeder, drank for a while, and then came back one last time before flying off.

It is now sitting in a tree across my balcony just making some of the sweetest sounds.

I knew in that moment that God sent that little hummingbird to me to remind me that no matter how much life seems to take from you, God is always here at your side waiting for you to lean on Him.

Waiting for you to see Him in everything.

To thank Him.
Praise Him through life's struggles and storms.

Blessing you with more than you can imagine.

As that hummingbird sat looking at my face, I became more attentive to God and knew He was speaking to me.

He doesn't just speak to us through prayer.

He speaks to us through so many different things and I got to experience that first-hand this morning.

It was a reminder that I need to seek Him in all things throughout each day.

Set my mind to find Him in everything.

When we do this, we discover how vibrant this world really is and all those stresses seem to disappear or become so small that we can barely see them.

We can find God through things like that hummingbird and we can also find him through all the trials we face too.

Let us always search for Him and His messages as we go through this day and every day.

We will be able to handle life in a more peaceful way if we always search for Him and His blessings.

Thank you little hummingbird for being such a beautiful reminder!

Thank you Father for sending me such a wonderful blessing and restoring my hope in You.


"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." Romans 8:28