Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Shaping the Path to a New Life


I'm sure I'm not the only one who cringes when they hear that word.

Change is hard.

Change is uncomfortable.

Change is overwhelming.

Change is stressful.


Even though there seems to be a lot of negativity with just the word change, we have to remember why change is essential to our lives.

Change is necessary for growth.

Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your BIGGEST opportunity for the growth.

With that being said, I wanted to share to a short story about how difficult change can be, but how it can give us a hope for a better future.

My dog, Spike.
She was our neighbor's dog for the first several years of her life and spent majority of her time outside in all weather conditions.  Eventually, we took her in and her life changed.

She got to come into a warm house with people who loved her.

I formed a bond with her that no one else will have all because of that change.

We changed her life.

Change helped her grow into a very loving animal and she was always so full of spunk and energy.


The sad news is, life can have unexpected events happen and change will have to happen yet again.

Due to horrible freak accident about 7 years ago, we were told my dog would be paralyzed.  Not only were we determined, but Spike was determined not to let that become her life.

She has always been a very strong-willed dog.  No one was going to get in her way of thinking like that either.

She was never completely paralyzed, but she had to make major adjustments to how she lived her life from that point forward.


She has lived a very fulfilling life, even with the challenges she has faced since her accident.

She CHANGED her spunky walk to a spunky limp.
She CHANGED her four-legged run around the yard to a three-legged fast hop around the yard.
She even CHANGED her attitude and became one of the most lovable and happiest dogs I've ever loved.

Her body is getting old and tired now.

She spends most of her time falling than she does standing.
She gets incredibly frustrated when someone tries to help her up.
She is not okay with her body doing this.

She is once again having to adjust to change and learn its importance.


Seeing her in this state breaks my heart more than one could ever imagine.

However, I've changed that mindset after a dream I had last night about her.


As I look at the world through my dog's eyes, I can see how hard change really is, but how determined she is to make the best of change.

It has not been easy for her, but she is determined to keep accepting these opportunities to grow.

Her frustration when someone tries to help her up is her determination to keep changing and pushing on until God tells her it's her time.


This story may seem very irrelevant to this topic, but I don't see it that way at all.

Change is all the things I listed at the very beginning of this.

It's hard to let go of something you're used to and refocus on something new and unfamiliar.

Often times, people want to focus on what they have to let go of, rather than look forward to what they gain once they allow change to happen.

Change leads to a hopeful future.
Change leads to trusting in God and His amazing plans for us.  

We must keep this in mind when we face any type of change to trust that He will take care of us.  He is giving us this new opportunity to make our lives better.

Make our lives into what He wants for us.
Guide us to happiness, love, success, and trustworthiness.

Life is impossible without change.
Growth becomes optional.

Life becomes lifeless.

Change can lead to amazing things and bring so much joy to one's life.

Successful Relationships.
Healthy Habits.
Strength within yourself.
Renewed Faith.

God can restore what is broken and change it into something amazing.  All you need is faith.
(Joel 2:25)

If my dog can do it, anyone can!