Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Let GoD... Learning to Trust Yourself Again

Feelings of hurt or anger can be some of the most difficult to face.
We can feel so vulnerable, frightened, and powerless when these feelings appear.

Often times we want to seek out actions to avoid these feelings, however it's only temporarily relief.

Feeling hurt does not have to be so frightening and we don't have to avoid it.  
We can surrender to them, feel them, and go on.

Eventually, we learn the lesson that real power comes from allowing ourselves to be vulnerable enough to feel hurt.  

Real power comes from knowing we can take care of ourselves, even when we feel emotional pain.  

Real power comes when we stop holding others responsible for our pain, and we take responsibility for all our feelings.

Today, I will surrender to my feelings, even the emotionally painful ones.  Instead of acting in haste, or attempting to punish someone, I will be vulnerable enough to feel my feelings.

This is from a book my grandmother let me borrow a couple weeks back called, "The Language of Letting Go" by Melody Beattie.

This last week in a half has been hard for me and it is not easy for me to admit either.

I can proudly say I have not turned to old habits.

I've allowed myself to feel real emotional pain.

I've cried more than I can count.
I've laughed.
I've even felt scared and alone.
I've embraced any emotion I felt.

I finally found the strength to get a consistent negative force out of my life.

In doing so, I not only found out I was much stronger in my healing process, but also found that my lack of trust within myself had to be rebuilt again.

This negative force caused me to feel so beat down as a person.

By surrendering to my painful emotions over the last week, I've grown to learn and understand that I am NOTHING that this negative force said I was.


With real feelings and emotions.

I AM...

Mother and wife worthy.
A Child of God.

NO ONE  will take that away from me.

Let Go and
Let God...
Heal you.
Change you.
Strengthen you.
Enlighten you.
Inspire you.
Give you love.

Let God be in control.
Let God be the only one you trust in order to trust yourself again.

Trust can be one of the most confusing concepts in recovery.
The most important trust issue we face is learning to trust ourselves.  
The most detrimental thing that's happened to us is that we came to believe we couldn't trust ourselves.

There will be some who say we cannot trust ourselves, we are off base and out of whack.  There are those who benefit by our mistrusting ourselves.

Fear and doubt are OUR ENEMIES!!

Self-trust is a healing gift we can give to ourselves.  

Do not trust fear.  Do not trust panic.  

We can trust ourselves
stand in our own truth 
stand in our light.  

Trust ourselves, and we will know whom to trust.  
Trust ourselves, and we will know what to do.  

When we feel we absolutely cannot trust ourselves, trust that GOD will guide us into truth.

God believes in You.
God believes in Me.
Trust God and trust yourself again.
Become that confident person through the grace of God.

I know each day, God has given me a new confidence and that is something I can trust!

God, help me let go of fear, doubt, and confusion -- the enemies of self-trust.  Help me go forward in peace and confidence.  Help me grow in trust for myself and You, one day at a time, one experience at a time.

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