Saturday, February 22, 2020

You Are Free

It feels a little weird being back here with my thoughts on life, as it has been quite a while since I've put my thoughts and feelings into writing.

However, as I was drinking my coffee this morning, I decided to start this daily devotion that I picked up at a women's conference back in September that I attended with my best friend.

"Dare to Be" is the devotional series and the first devotion truly hit home for how I've been feeling most of my life.

Dare To Be Free.

That can stand true, I'm sure, for a lot of people facing challenging times in their lives.

Free from a bad habit.
Free from sinful behaviors.
Free from fear.
Free from feeling unworthy.
Free from feeling unloved.
Free from taking on guilt that doesn't belong to you.
Free from abuse.
Free from anxiety and depression.
Free from negativity.

I've struggled with all of these things over the course of my life, but have slowly released myself from all of them.

Every once in a while, they can pop back up in your life and you have to figure out a way to push it back out.

The greatest thing to remember is that no matter what you have struggled with or are currently dealing with, it's never too late to set yourself free.

God is always there no matter how many times you need to be picked back up.

I found this quote from the devotional very powerful that I wanted to include in this post.

"You and I are FREE.  We are NO LONGER slaves to anything.  We are HIS.  We are LOVED.  And HE is more than enough for every hurt that we try to numb or void we try to fill.  Trust Him today with your need.  And believe that your freedom He offers is always the better option.  The only option.  You are free.  Don't stay in your slave quarters anymore.  Live.  love.  And claim your freedom today." (Dare to be, Natalie Grant & Charlotte Gambill)


God will always set you free if you put your full trust in Him.  
I truly know and believe this because He has worked in my life in ways that seem unreal at times.  But I wouldn't be where I'm at today if it wasn't for Him setting me free from all the burdens I carried for so many years.

I've grown so much in this last year and have found so much strength in my abilities.

I am strong!

I am worthy!

I am loved!

I am empowered!

I am happy!

I am a Child of God!

No matter what you are struggling with today, lay it at the cross and give it to Jesus.  He will take your burdens and free you from it all.  Just trust that His plans are bigger than your current situation.

You are free.
You are beautiful and worthy.
You are loved.
You are strong.

Keep pushing forward and set yourself free and experience what God truly desires for you.
A life enriched with many blessings.

God Bless!