Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Blind Faith

I just recently got back in contact with an old friend and it has been amazing.  The most amazing part to it is how we are strengthening each other's faith.  She asked if we could be study buddies and ever since we started studying the Bible together, I've come to understand my faith more.

How crazy is that?

I sat down to read the next passage that was chosen last night.  We first started off with Luke 17:1-19:27 which was an overall message of having a child-like faith.  Children trust parents/adults without hesitation, but do we trust God like that?

Not nearly enough.

After we came to understand this passage, my friend asked me what we should read next.  This is where I feel my "blind faith" came into play.  I had a strong feeling that we should start reading Revelation.  (Note: I really don't know the Bible well enough, but when you allow God to talk to you, you become to understand it more.)

Oddly enough, Revelation almost fed off of the passage we read from Luke, and my "unsure thoughts" with Luke were answered in Revelation!  I became excited as I realized that I was beginning to understand God's Word.  So excited that I had to share with my husband as he was watching his TV show.  

He was excited for me and to see this passion burning within me.  I could barely sleep last night with all the overwhelming thoughts of His word flooding my mind and heart.

I came to realize my faith is much stronger when I understand it better.  That's life in general, right?  Just like in school, you study to understand something more.

After understanding my faith, I started understanding what was wrong with me and what I needed to change.  I have a lot of pride and have a hard time acknowledging my faults, but expect other's to acknowledge theirs.

That's not fair at all.

I feel like I've started over again and I'm getting that seventh or eighth "second" chance to be a better person, a better friend, and a better wife.

What an amazing feeling.  I haven't been able to stop smiling since last night.

I love God and I love understanding Him and my faith even more!

"We love each other, because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19)

Happy Wednesday Everyone!


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