Friday, September 6, 2013

Raspberry Zinger Sweet Iced Tea

As summer is coming to a close in most states, I thought I would post a refreshing drink I enjoyed throughout the hot summer here in Texas.  I've never been a tea drinker.  I never thought I would be either.  While visiting my grandparents over the summer, my grandmother offered me some sweet tea she made.  Just to be nice, I tried it.  To my surprise, I loved it!!  I asked her how she made it and this is what she directed me too....

Fresh Iced Tea Maker by Mr. Coffee

I found it for $20 at Target, which is a pretty good deal for how much I use this thing.  You can also make Iced coffee with this simple maker. (You have to use a lot of ice though, just for a warning!)

I started off drinking just regular sweet black tea and thought it could use a twist.  I had some Raspberry Zinger herbal tea bags still in the cabinet and thought I would add them in.

So if you want to try this tea yourself, here is what you need!

Two bags from the Family size Iced tea by Lipton

Two bags of Raspberry Zinger Herbal Tea

Follow the directions with the maker, turn on the power and watch it make this delicious tea!  Once the tea maker is done making the tea, just add and stir in your sugar and you are ready to enjoy a very refreshing drink!  Enjoy!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pepper Steak (Delicious and Easy!)

If you don't have a lot of time on your hands, but still want a delicious healthy meal, this dish is just for you!!  Just throw all the ingredients into a crock pot and let it cook!!  


* Round Steak
* 1 Cup Onion
* 2-3 Garlic Cloves
* 1/4 cup Soy Sauce
* 1/4 cup Olive Oil (I just used enough to cover the bottom of crock pot)
* 1 can chopped Tomatoes
* 1/2 teaspoon Ginger
* Broccoli (I just got a 12 ounce frozen bag-it's really your choice on how much)
* Sugar Snaps (I also got a 12 ounce frozen bag)
* Green Peppers (as much as you want- I just used one)
* Celery

I normally get this started the night before so the meat can marinate.  I cut up the meat into cubes, cut up the onion and garlic, and put into the crock pot with olive oil and soy sauce.  I also season it all with some salt, pepper, and ginger.  Stir it all together and put in the fridge to marinate over night.  

Once I get up in the morning, I add the can of chopped tomatoes and turn on the crock pot.  I let all of that cook on high throughout the day until the meat is tender.  

After the meat is tender (I let it cook for about 5-6 hours) I add all the vegetables.  Let those cook until everything is tender (1-2 hours).

Serve over rice and enjoy :)    

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Making Choices on Sensitive Issues

I don't know about you, but I'm always second guessing myself when it comes to sensitive issues.  I've been in quite a few situations where I wasn't sure what the right choice was.

As I was reading my Bible last night, I came across these questions listed in the study part.  They really helped me put a few things into perspective and I thought I would share them with you.

If you are facing a difficult and sensitive issue, don't just rely on what your heart might be telling you.  Be sure to stop and listen to what God is telling you.

...does it help my witness for Christ?
"When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I bring the weak to Christ.  Yes, I try to find a common ground with everyone, doing everything I can do save some."
-1 Corinthians 9:22 I motivated by a desire to help others know Christ?
"I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings."
-1 Corinthians 9:23

"You say, 'I'm allowed to do anything,' but not everything is good for you.  You say, 'I'm allowed to do anything'- but not everything is beneficial."
-1 Corinthians 10:23

...does it help me do my best?
"All athletes are disciplined in their training.  They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize."
-1 Corinthians 9:25 it against a specific command in Scripture and would this cause me to sin?
"If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall."
-1 Corinthians 10:12 it the best and most beneficial course of action?
"I, too, try to please everyone in everything I do.  I don't just do what's best for me, I do what's best for others so that many may be saved."
-1 Corinthians 10:33 I thinking only of myself or do I truly care about the other person?
"Don't be concerned for your own good, but for the good of others."
-1 Corinthians 10:24 I acting lovingly or selfishly?
"(But suppose someone tells you, 'This meat was offered to an idol.'  Don't eat it, out of consideration for the conscience of the one who told you.  It might not be a matter of conscience for you, but it is for the other person.)  For why should my freedom be limited by what someone else thinks?  If I can thank God for the food and enjoy it, why should I be condemned for eating it?  So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
-1 Corinthians 10:28-31

...does it glorify God?
"So whatever you do, do it for the glory of God."
-1 Corinthians 10:31

...will it cause someone else to sin?
"Don't give offense to Jews or Gentiles, or the church of God."

Don't make decisions without knowing what is truly the right one.  Sometimes it's difficult to know what the right choice is because of other influences (advice from others, other things that make you happy, etc).  I almost made my decision based off of what others thought, and I know I would have regretted that greatly.  I took a step back and truly listened to what God was asking me to do.

I hope you do the same too.

God bless on this beautiful Saturday!


Friday, April 5, 2013

Enhancing your Natural Beauty

Do you struggle with dark spots, acne, or any other types of blemishes?  Do you find yourself wearing more makeup than needed just to cover up those spots?

I used to be very guilty of this and found that I was only worsening my blemishes.  Through trail and error, I finally found a solution with using only a little bit of makeup!

Each and every girl has a natural beauty, but when you don't have the confidence within yourself, your natural beauty often hides.  In order to give yourself that confidence booster, I found a very easy makeup look that will enhance your own natural beauty and give you the confidence you need!

You will find products I used as well as a video tutorial that I filmed in order to help you achieve this look!  Your skin will not only look naturally beautiful, but your acne and blemishes will start to heal over time!

Ready to get started?

Video Tutorial:

Products I used:

NYC Smooth Skin Perfecting Primer (Shade 684)
Maybelline Dream Lumi Highlighting Concealer (Ivory)
Maybelline Dream Matte Powder (Sand: Medium 0-1)
Covergirl Cheekers Blush (Brick Rose 180)
e.l.f Wet Gloss Lash & Brow Clear Mascara
e.l.f Eyelid primer
Covergirl Eye Enhancers Quad Palette (Country Woods 215)
Covergirl Perfect Blend Pencil Crayon (Basic Black)
Almay One coat thickening Waterproof Mascara (black brown 422)
Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm with Pomegranate Oil

Hope this is helpful in some way!  Take care, girls!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Impossible

Matt and I went on a date last night to see "The Impossible."  We had prolonged to see this movie because we knew it was going to be extremely intense and sad.  As we got to the theater, I went in with an open heart, ready to learn something about this devastating true story.  

If you have not heard of this movie or seen it, it's about a family who survived the unexpected tsunami that hit Southeast Asia in 2004.  I don't want to give anything away, just in case you'd like to see the movie as well.

Going into events like this with an open heart I find inspiring.  I've noticed lately that I've had a lot of negative feelings in my heart regarding many things.  After watching this family experience this, it made me realize that anything can happen on any given day.

We must live each day as if it were our last.  Love one another deeply just in case it's our last moment.  Live with no regrets.

Some days, it's hard to have a positive outlook on life, especially when times get tough.  Often times, you feel angry, hurt, alone, and ready to give up on everything.  

Never give up.  Life isn't easy.  It's also not forever.  You might question why you are in a certain situation, but you are in it for a reason.  Lend a helping hand, smile, laugh, and love unconditionally.  It makes every bit of difference.

You may think and hope your life will end up how you always imagined it.  And maybe it will.  Just remember, unexpected things do happen, so make the best out of of every moment you have.

" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord." -Jeremiah 29:11

God bless and have a wonderful Sunday!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cherish Every Moment

I've heard that Christmas doesn't end until January 6, hence the song 'The Twelve Days of Christmas." This year, I didn't allow Christmas to end on December 26th.  I continued enjoying the season up until now.  I've lit my tree every single night, and tonight I watched "The Heart of Christmas." Yes, I know today is the 8th, but it's never too late to watch an inspiring movie.  If you haven't seen that movie, it's a must see.

This movie was based on a true story about the Locke family.  Their son, Dax was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of two.  This movie takes them through their journey and how they got so much loving support not only from St. Jude hospital, but also from their neighbors.  It helped this family cherish every moment they had with Dax.  

This movie really got me thinking about how I have lived my life up until this new year.  In all honesty, I hadn't cherished every moment that God has blessed me with.  For the longest time, I complained about everything, I was never happy, and it turned me into a person that I never want to see again.

As most of you know, I started my new year's resolutions and surprisingly have stuck to them.  I've been working out 3 days a week, reading my Bible each night, and spending more time with my wonderful husband.  I don't plan on giving up on these things either...because it keeps me positive each day, and it allows me to cherish every moment (even if my cat puked three times in the last two days and stained my comforter).  While cleaning it up, I smiled.  Weird, I know...but I'm just happy to be alive another day.

Then I sit down and watch this movie tonight.  Of course it's a tear-jeaker and my hormones have been wacko so this woman cried her eyes out.  By the end of the movie, I realized it's time to cherish every moment, no matter if they are filled with bad moments.  It took me back to a memory of my husband and I while we were dating.  It was during one of our rough patches and we were on the verge of breaking it off.  I was coming home late one night after Zumba and pulled in the driveway to see Matt's car there.  He gets out with flowers in his hand and you want to know what I did?  I got mad at him and told him to leave.  I cry now every time I think about that because all he was trying to show me was how much he loved and cherished me, even when we were at our lowest point.  No matter how mad I may get, I will pull my husband in close and tell him how much I love him and cherish him.

The point I'm trying to make in this post is... just cherish every moment you have.  Whether it's with your friends, your family, your pets, your children, or even by yourself.  

You are here on this earth for a reason.

Cherish it.   

Change someone's life by just showing them you care.

God Bless.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year...Better You?

How many of you out there make New Year's better yourself in some way?

How many of you actually follow through with them?

Not me!

2013 is going to be different, at least for me.

After Christmas service, my mom grabbed a CD and a calendar off the table in the lobby of the church.  She handed them both to me.  

Oh great, something I probably won't listen to.

I thanked her anyway and told her I would listen to it.

She suggested I listen to it on our long drive back to Texas.  After we pulled out of the driveway, Matt and I looked at each other.  We agreed to listen to the CD.

Matt popped the CD into the CD player and this guy with an Australian accent blasted through the speakers.

Are you kidding me?  I thought this was just a Christmas CD with the traditional Christmas music.  There is no way I can listen to someone speak as I drive...I will fall asleep.

We let it play for about 2 minutes before we ejected the CD and put in one of my Christmas music CDs.

The next morning, I woke up to a text from my mom saying something along these lines...

"Morning!!  I highly recommend digging that CD out I got you from church and listening to it as you drive...great message!  Has no denominational take.  It can't hurt.  It may help greatly.  Love you!  Safe travels!"

Of course I snarled but had a little tug on my heart.

As we started down the highway, I asked Matt to stick the CD back in.  He snarled too.  I read the cover of the CD.  

Be The Best Version of Yourself
Matthew Kelly

I was completely blown away with the message he gave on this CD.  As he spoke, I felt like he was speaking to me.  He talked about how God's want for us here on earth is to continue to better ourselves and become the best version of ourselves.  

I was not a very good version on myself this year (2012).  I wasn't exactly the most patient wife, I was always complaining, I didn't take care of myself like I should have....

He described four core areas that we should all work on throughout the next year.  The areas include:


He then went into giving examples on how to better ourselves in each of this core areas.

Physical: How many of us are always low in energy?  I know I am.  I always seem to get about an hour, maybe two of full energy before I crash.  He said we should make it a goal this year to exercise at least ONCE a week, every week for the entire year.  Pick a day you will work out and stick to it.

Manageable, right?

Matt got me a yoga kit for my birthday that I plan on using as a part of my physical improvement.  The more energy we have, the happier we are.  When we exercise, we feel better about ourselves...and our bodies also release endorphins that will give us more energy.

Emotional: When a relationship with someone is great, we are happier, right?  In order to keep that happiness in our lives, we need to make an effort to spend more quality time with our significant other.  Matthew Kelly said for the next year, pick one day a month, every month, for the entire year to do something with your significant other or someone you love.  It doesn't have to be a big luxurious vacation, but something different each time. Sit down at the beginning of the month, pick a day and place.  Plan for it and follow through.  It'll make a difference in your relationship which will increase your happiness.

Intellectual: For 10 minutes a day, every day for an entire year, read a "good" book.  A "good" book is a book that will help improve yourself.  It could be a self help book, Bible, etc... something that you will take something positive from it and apply it to your every day life.  When we feel better about ourselves, we are much happier.

See a theme going on?  Happiness :)

Spiritual: Matthew Kelly was specifically talking about Catholicism.  I grew up Catholic but have not been a practicing Catholic for the last few years.  Why?  Because the Mass was too boring, too traditional, always the same thing every Sunday, etc.  Many Catholics say that, right?  Even though I'm not involved in a church as of right now, I figured this next task could still be done.

Get a journal.  Take it to church with you every Sunday (or take it with you where ever you go).  On the front, write, "Things I've learned to be a better version on myself."  Every Sunday, write down ONE thing you heard that could help you become a better version of yourself.  Not only will you find ways to improve yourself, you'll aso find church more enjoyable.

Even if you don't go to church (like me), this is a great chance to take every day life experiences and turn ONE event that happens each day or each week into something that could help you become a better version of yourself.

I'm looking forward to finally sticking to my New Year's resolution this year.  I want to be a better person, a better friend, a better sister, a better daughter, and a better wife.  I feel that focusing on these four core areas frequently throughout the year will help me become a better version of myself.

Anyone else willing to try?

Whatever your resolution may be, I hope you find happiness and become a better version of yourself this year!

God Bless!!