Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cherish Every Moment

I've heard that Christmas doesn't end until January 6, hence the song 'The Twelve Days of Christmas." This year, I didn't allow Christmas to end on December 26th.  I continued enjoying the season up until now.  I've lit my tree every single night, and tonight I watched "The Heart of Christmas." Yes, I know today is the 8th, but it's never too late to watch an inspiring movie.  If you haven't seen that movie, it's a must see.

This movie was based on a true story about the Locke family.  Their son, Dax was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of two.  This movie takes them through their journey and how they got so much loving support not only from St. Jude hospital, but also from their neighbors.  It helped this family cherish every moment they had with Dax.  

This movie really got me thinking about how I have lived my life up until this new year.  In all honesty, I hadn't cherished every moment that God has blessed me with.  For the longest time, I complained about everything, I was never happy, and it turned me into a person that I never want to see again.

As most of you know, I started my new year's resolutions and surprisingly have stuck to them.  I've been working out 3 days a week, reading my Bible each night, and spending more time with my wonderful husband.  I don't plan on giving up on these things either...because it keeps me positive each day, and it allows me to cherish every moment (even if my cat puked three times in the last two days and stained my comforter).  While cleaning it up, I smiled.  Weird, I know...but I'm just happy to be alive another day.

Then I sit down and watch this movie tonight.  Of course it's a tear-jeaker and my hormones have been wacko so this woman cried her eyes out.  By the end of the movie, I realized it's time to cherish every moment, no matter if they are filled with bad moments.  It took me back to a memory of my husband and I while we were dating.  It was during one of our rough patches and we were on the verge of breaking it off.  I was coming home late one night after Zumba and pulled in the driveway to see Matt's car there.  He gets out with flowers in his hand and you want to know what I did?  I got mad at him and told him to leave.  I cry now every time I think about that because all he was trying to show me was how much he loved and cherished me, even when we were at our lowest point.  No matter how mad I may get, I will pull my husband in close and tell him how much I love him and cherish him.

The point I'm trying to make in this post is... just cherish every moment you have.  Whether it's with your friends, your family, your pets, your children, or even by yourself.  

You are here on this earth for a reason.

Cherish it.   

Change someone's life by just showing them you care.

God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Hi this is Rachel Stratton, you commented on my blog a little while back, anyways, they're doing a news cast on me and my cancer, and wanted to get a hold of people who found my story inspiring. So if you wouldn't mind, I would love for you to be one of them that they talk to/interview.
    If you wouldn't mind getting a hold of me at either (801)318-8101 or rachelelysestratton@gmail.com that would be wonderful:) thanks!
