Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Wisdom. Courage. Dignity.

"Knowing when to walk away is WISDOM.  Being able to is COURAGE.  Walking away, with your head held high is DIGNITY."

As I was unwinding from a long day at work, I came across this quote on facebook.  It truly hit home for me, or at least how I've been feeling over the last few weeks.

I never imagined myself facing some of the things I've faced over the last couple years.  But I have accepted that life is quite unpredictable and we must take each new situation as an opportunity to grow.

How do you let go of something you truly love?  The unexpected question that has been on my mind lately.

Unfortunately, the only answer I have for that is a cliché .  Give it time, as time heals all wounds.  

Good grief.

Honestly though, how do you let go of something you truly love, knowing it will better you in the long run?

The quote above says it all.

You gain wisdom by knowing.  You gain courage by acting on it.  You gain dignity by doing so with confidence.

Having this knowledge is what has been getting me through the rough patches in my life.  Letting go of something I love has been one of the hardest things in my entire life.  Along the way, I've learned it's okay to feel sad, angry, and upset.  It's okay to have days where you're absolutely certain about your decision, and other days where you doubt that decision and are devastated.  I've learned that all of that is completely normal.

I've also learned that everything happens for a reason.  Just like I stated at the beginning of this, each obstacle thrown my way gives me a chance to grow.  Gain that wisdom.  Gain that courage.  Gain that dignity.

I stand here today a stronger, smarter, and more confident woman I've ever been.  Even on my bad days, this is what I have to fall back on....

And that my friends is all I can ask for.

I can only hope that whatever you might be facing right now or what you could possibly face in the future that you too will find inspiration in this quote and become a stronger, better version of yourself!


Saturday, March 7, 2015

In need of peace among the chaos?

Let's end a beautiful day with a little bit of reflection....

"Commit your ways to the Lord; trust in him and he will act." -Psalms 37:5

"Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." -1 Peter 5:7

I have been feeling really anxious all day and I just haven't been able to figure out why. But as I sit here to unwind for the evening, I'm beginning to feel a since of peace as I reflect on these two powerful verses.

I've also been praying this simple prayer....

"God, please help me to have a mind of Christ right now. I need you."

I found that prayer on a website talking about how to overcome anxiety. I hope that if you are experiencing any worry, stress, or anxiety that these verses and talking to God will bring you peace too.

God bless you on this Saturday night!