Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Walking Tree

About a year ago, I came across this devotional video series on my bible app called "Miles a Minute."

I recently just started watching them again and forgot how powerful they were.

The best part is that these videos are only a minute long and have so much to offer within that minute.

The episode that really struck me was revolved around "The Walking Tree."

It talked about how a walking tree has roots on both sides of the tree.

If the tree wants to move to the left, the roots on the right side must die in order for it to move forward to the left.

The video further explained that in order to move forward in life with God, we must let the past die first, our old roots.

Old habits.
Old relationships.
Old perceptions.
 Old views of yourself.

You will then grow new roots as you start leaning and trusting God on the new path you have chosen and that He is leading you down.

Just as it states in 2 Corinthians 5:14.-17,

"Christ's love controls us.  Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life.  He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves.  Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.  So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view.  At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view.  How differently we know him now!  This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  The old life is gone; a new life has begun."     

This has been something I've been reflecting on for the past 9 months.  I've been dealing with fears, insecurities, and anxiety all related to my past.  I've been working on letting go of all of these things and growing these new roots in God, trusting to lean on Him rather than my own control.

He has brought me so far and has given me a new strength within myself.  He has shown me how powerful He truly is when you give Him all your trust and control over to Him.

It was a rough year of healing, but I'm truly happy in this moment and every day I'm alive.

Where are your roots planted?

Are your roots still planted in the past?
Resentment.  Fear.  Pain.  Anxiety.


Are you slowly letting your past roots die so you can be rooted in a future full of happiness and strength?


Are you finally rooted in your present with God?
Do you feel His presence in your soul?  Do you feel his forgiveness?  Do you feel Him taking control over your life?  Do you feel strong and happy?

Where ever your roots are planted, know that God is for you and He is with you.
Nothing you've done in your past can keep you from moving forward with God.

Keep pushing forward.
It's worth it, trust me.
Happiness is in your future.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Fear is a Liar

Powerful things happen when you least expect it.

During a medical massage this past Monday, it was brought to my attention that my medical diagnosis on my neck and back was much deeper than just a physical issue.

I've been undergoing numerous medical massages and chiropractor adjustments over the last month to hopefully fix and put my body back to where it should be so the pain I've been in will subside.

After finding out I no longer have the curve in my neck, adjustments and massages are how I've spent most of my last few weeks, while battling endless and horrible pain.

While I've smiled through most of this, I was starting to feel defeated as to why the pain just wasn't stopping.

My adjustments were finally starting to move things back to where they belong, but still no relief.

As I was laying there Monday night, listening to the sounds of chimes coming from the speakers, my massage therapist had me flip over so she could work on my neck.

After a little while, she started working through a very tight muscle and realized once she got past it, there was inflammation around my spine.  After reassuring her that my x-rays came back with no signs of a herniated disk, she broke out in tears.

She told me about this vision she had which led her to believe that something deeper was going on than just the physical issue at hand.

She had this vision of a worm inside my neck.  It was yellow with fangs.  It reminded her of the worm at the bottom of a tequila bottle.  She said it had a hold on me and it was toxic.  She then named it fear.

The pain is not only my body trying to heal, but also me carrying fear around from my past.  


I've overcome a lot, but never would have guessed that I was still carrying this around.

I drove home that night in a complete daze and listened to a song that was needed in that moment.

"Fear is a Liar" by Zach Williams

As my body and soul broke down, I realized my therapist was right.  I had to find a way to release this toxic lie within me.

Fear is a LIAR!!!

Fear will not have a hold of me any longer.  It doesn't control me.  It will not cause me anymore pain.

   I am still on the road to recovery and becoming stronger every day.

Emotionally. Spiritually. Mentally.    

Fear might knock me down, but it sure as hell ain't gonna keep me down!!