Saturday, February 25, 2017

I Am NOT A Victim

Life is tough.

Emotions are real.

Pain is present in this broken world.

How we handle and react to all of these tough moments is how we will view every day life.

I've always been one to see the positive or try to see the positive each day.

I've recently been taught how to be vulnerable in a whole new way.

I get daily devotionals from my mom during the week, and each one seems to be perfect for the day ahead.

Reading these devotionals and reading scripture can be enlightening and powerful.  However, at the beginning of this week, I was taught to turn those devotionals into a personal prayer and to say it out loud over and over until it was imprinted in my heart.  Until I truly believed it.

Saying it out loud, knowing God not only hears you, but is guiding you to His healing grace.

Yesterday's devotional was:

Here is the prayer I created from this devotional:

"I have come through very difficult times in many ways, but I see there are lessons you've taught me, Lord.  You have given me opportunities to overcome adversity.  I am NOT a victim of life's circumstances.  I have the strength to make changes and establish myself in a new position.  Amen."

I was having a really tough day yesterday.  During a mental break at work, I wrote this and kept repeating it until my heart started to feel the strength behind it.  It became real to me.

God is real.  His love is real.  His strength is real.

You are not a victim.

Today will only be difficult if you allow it to take over your life.

Make that change.  Be strong and confident in yourself that God is guiding you always.

"Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." - Colossians 3:12

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