Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Complaining is....NOT FOR ME!

As some of you know, about a month or two ago, I started doing a Bible study with a friend of mine.  Each week, we do one or two (sometimes more) Bible readings/studies.  In between these studies, we'll ask how one another is doing, our strengthens, struggles, accomplishments, etc.

Today, she had mentioned about seeing a sermon on TV about keeping your mouth "clean."  This not only means keeping the language you say positive, but also your thoughts and your attitudes.

Everyone has the ability to stay positive.  A lot of people struggle with it though...I'm one of those people!

It is easier in some situations to just complain and be negative.  I'm good at this too.  What we have to remember is life is full of challenges.  How we react to these challenges is a reflection on our perspective on life.

Here is a clear example of how my life is being tested even as I write this post.  Being a stay-at-home wife has it's advantages.  However, having two cats who have completely different personalities and needs could drive this stay-at-home wife crazy!  See, "crazy" is a negative word.  Between Cotton being under my feet, scratching and meowing in my face as I do yoga, and Gidget always trying to cause trouble by jumping up on the kitchen counter... it is very hard to stay positive!

However, my friend just enlightened me.  It's going to be struggle, but I'm going to try to make it these next couple weeks without complaining about them and just accepting them.


"Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you.  Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people." (Philippians 2:14-15 NLT)

I may need a little encouraging and may need a reminder to read this verse every morning before I get out of bed!  I want to be a better person and my friend really just made me realize how negative I was (without evening telling me I was!)

I challenge you to do the same.  Try it for a whole day.  Go to work, class, or whatever you do each day and don't complain about anything.  Don't even mumble anything under your breath...

"Stupid crazy cat.  You're hungry, I get it.  But leave me alone.  You don't eat again until 5:30.  You are on a diet, get over it!!!  Give me some space so I don't go insane!!!!"

Negative words: Stupid, crazy, insane

Turn your situation into something positive...

"Okay Kara, breathe.  She is just hungry.  She is hungry because she is on a diet and doesn't know any better.  *Breathe in through the nose and out the mouth* Gidget just wants attention and that's why she is jumping on the counter.  Just walk away and breathe.  Try to understand and be in their shoes, err paws for a moment."

Yes, I just did this about 30 minutes ago....but see that difference?  I wasn't as angry afterwards and I was able to laugh it off and begin to enjoy their cuteness as they chased each other around the house.

Try this challenge with me!  Give me feedback on how it works for you!

Happy Tuesday Friends!


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