Saturday, November 10, 2012

When life throws you lemons, make lemonade!

I was discussing with my mom the other day in a 2 hour phone conversation how I felt my life has taken a complete 360 and everything "evil", "bad", or "negative" has been thrown my way ever since I moved to Texas 5 months ago.

Then I realized the same thing happened when I moved to Indiana back in 2009.  Everything always went wrong instead of right.

I think this is how God works in our lives though; throws us a few curve balls to challenge us so we learn how to... 

"Trust in the LORD with all of your heart; do not depend on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5 NLT)

It makes sense, right?

Even through these rough times, I've learned that I went through this to not only build a strong character in myself, but also learn how to be responsible and independent.  I've also learned how essential it is to be dependent on God.  There are situations that we as humans cannot control.  That's when we must lean on God and trust that He will make things right.

With battling my decision on "what I want to do for the rest of my life," I've come to realize that I miss being near children.  After going through countless circumstances trying to get back into school over the last 5 months hoping that one day I might become an ultrasound technician, it's not in God's plan for me right now.  

I have to follow God's plan.  

I want and need to go back to teaching.

I've been applying for teaching positions all week.  I just have to be patient (something I discussed with a dear friend of mine how this is a weakness I need to work on).  I've never been a patient person, but I know God will lead me to the job I'm supposed to be at.

No matter how hard situations can be, no matter how bad they always start off; in the end, something positive will come from it!

"Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who are patient."

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!


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