Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanksgiving Praises!

There is a popular theme on Facebook for the month of November to post something you are thankful for each day up until Thanksgiving.

I decided to blog mine instead....

I posted something each day for 22 days!

So here we go!

Day 1: First and foremost, I'm so ever grateful for the number one man in my life; God.  He is one of few I can truly depend on in my times of weakness, He lifts me up when I fall, and gives me strength when I need it most.  Most of all, His unconditional love has taught me how to love and accept others.  I would be so lost without Him.  

"Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks.  For we know it is made acceptable by the word of God and prayer." (1 Timothy 4:4-5 NLT)

Day 2: I'm thankful for my family.  I've lost connection with a lot of them, but I still love them like I see them every day.  I wouldn't change them for the world (my aunt Fran, aunt Mary, Aunt Jayme Lee, Uncle Bruno, Uncle Gregg, Uncle Grant, Abbey, Andrew, Nicolas, Mamaw, and Papaw)

Day 3: I'm thankful for a good Irish win today!  9-0 baby!!!  I'm also forever thankful that I did not have a heart-attack or injure myself further during the game!

Day 4: I'm thankful for a day of rest.  Many people don't get this opportunity as they have to work every day a week to make a living.  I'm thankful I have the opportunity to rest and re-energize myself for the upcoming week.

Day 5: I'm thankful for the beautiful weather here in Texas.  70-80 degrees in November is perfectly fine with me!  I'm thankful I don't have to deal with snow yet!

Day 6: I'm thankful for my friends.  Lindsay: you are not only my big sister, but someone I admire.  You are such a strong person, even if you don't believe it sometimes.  I will always remember our many camping trips in our backyard with Dingo as our watch dog, going to school together, staying up late playing cards and giggling, and our many traditional holiday get togethers.  I wish we lived closer so I could watch your daughter and unborn son grow!  Most of all, I'm thankful for a friendship that will always hold a special place in my heart.  Jenny: you have been there for me through the good times and bad.  You never left my side.  You prayed for me and I finally found my way to light.  Our friendship means so much to me and I miss you each and every day.  God has worked in your life in so many different and difficult ways and has made you such a strong person in Christ.  You are such a beautiful person, inside and out.  You are such an inspiration to me!  Even though we are far apart, you are always close to my heart.  Hope: Girl, where do I begin?  I'm thankful for all the fun times we had down at JCC with AJ: going to Taco Bell every Tuesday and Thursday, and becoming the one and only 'Chicken Heads.'  I will never forget that time we got lost and went on a road trip to Indiana, just for 2 minutes!  You have such a beautiful heart and soul.  The love between you and Patrick is a love I hope I can obtain one day!  All of my other wonderful friends, you know who you are!: Each and every one of you has left a footprint in my heart.  We have shared many great memories together and I'm forever grateful for all of you.  

Day 7: I'm thankful for getting reconnected with one of my dearest friends.  Antonia: We always had such an amazing friendship.  We could always turn to each other in the roughest of times.  We went through a lot together and even lost connection for a while.  However, God has allowed us to reconnect again, and I'm so grateful for that.  You have helped me strengthen my faith and I enjoy our weekly bible studies.  As much as I hate that we are apart, our faith in Christ is what binds our spirits together.  Thank you for contacting me back in August.  I've really enjoyed watching our friendship blossom into something I've never known or experienced before!

Day 8: I'm thankful for my sister.  Every 8th day of the month, we celebrate my sister's health of not having a seizure.  On May 8th of this year, we celebrated 14 years of being seizure free.  Kimi: You are such a strong person.  Seeing you struggle for most of our childhood with epilepsy was painful for a twin sister to see, knowing you were in so much pain.  But, you overcame it, just as you can overcome anything!  I might not have shown it through the years how much you mean to me, but it is true that twins do have a special connection.  I have always felt a part of me missing, especially being so far away.  You will always be my best friend.  I love you!

Day 9: I'm thankful for the most beautiful and amazing mother.  Mom: First of all, today is your birthday (November 9th), so happy birthday!  Through the years, we have had many difference, a lot of disagreements, and sometimes a little resentment towards one another.  You mean the world to me and I'm so thankful for you.  I have to say, I miss your uncontrollable laugh at funny movies, commercials, tv shows, etc.  That laugh has always been contagious and always left me laughing until I couldn't breathe.  I miss you more than you know and wish we lived closer together.  I do enjoy our long conversations on the phone though.  I can't wait to see you at Christmas!  I love you!

Day 10: I'm thankful for my dad.  Dad: We might have struggled for a while, but in the end (as always), we overcame it.  I'll always remember our times riding out in the country on the 4-wheeler and you on your dirt bike; all those times you, Kimi, and I would play football until it got dark; and all those nights we would laugh and play 'The Game of Life!'  Even though I live far away, I still love you and miss you.  I'm thankful for the time we do have now, and enjoy spending it on the phone talking (for 3 hours sometimes!).  I love you!

Day 11: I'm thankful for days like today....spending the whole day curled up in my pajamas watching tv/movies with my wonderful husband. :)

Day 12: I'm thankful for our fury babies, Cotton and Gidget.  Even though you may drive me nuts sometimes, you always have a way to brighten up my day.  Cotton, you are always so happy; and when you play, you play!  You always give Matt and I a reason to laugh!  

Oh Gidget, your unpredictable ways make me love you even more.  You are such a softy, even though you put on a tough guy image.  You love to play "mind" games, as much as they drive me crazy.  You turn almost everything into a game!  Hide-n-seek.... you're favorite!!


Day 13: I'm thankful for the moments that I feel comforted by God's amazing grace.  As I began to worry about if Matt made it to work okay, I received a text message shortly after telling me he had been busy, but was okay.  Thank you God for this sign and the comfort that has come over me.

Day 14: I was NOT wanting to wait until Day 14 to say I was thankful for my wonderful husband!  However, today is significant to our I thought it was worth the wait!  2 years ago today, sometime after midnight, we were on the phone discussing how we should start a relationship.  I'm forever grateful for that moment because it has led us to the most beautiful love I've ever experienced.  We have had a lot of ups and downs, however have overcome them as usual.  You are my rock, my knight in shining armor.  I love you more than you know, sweetheart!  This has truly been the best 2 years of my life and I can't wait to experience the rest of my years of existence with you!

November 2010

 November 2011

November 2012

Day 15: I'm thankful for the webcam and skype!  I got to see my hubby for a little while this afternoon.  It's going to make this "long" 4 days bearable :)

Day 16: I'm thankful for having the opportunity to be a house-wife.  Even though I'm ready to start working again, I've really enjoyed having this time off because I was given the chance to grow as a person.

Day 17: I'm thankful that I got invited to a job fair/screening for a teaching position!  I'm looking forward to see what God has planned for me.

I'm also thankful that Notre Dame not only won the game against Wake Forest (11-0 baby!!!), but also has made it to the number one spot!!  Go IRISH!!!

Day 18: I'm thankful for God's Word.  It comforts me and encourages me.  I never thought I would get to a point and feel like such a strong person, even in my weakest moments!

Day 19: I'm thankful for the food that is continually placed in front of us each day.  I'm also thankful that I can multi-task and have cheesy vegetable chowder ready to eat when Matt gets home!

Day 20: I'm thankful my grandmother made it out of surgery okay yesterday and is feeling better than she was. 

Day 21: I'm thankful that we are able to fly into Utah for Thanksgiving.  I'm so thankful for my in-laws and glad to be spending this season with them!

Day 22: I'm thankful for another day of life; and being able to spend the day with amazing people!  I'm also thankful for my family who I cannot be with today.  If I could be in multiple places at once, I'd be with all of you!!  Love you all!

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