Friday, January 20, 2017

Purity of Heart

"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her."
-Maya Angelou

How amazing is this quote?!

I've had this quote in my heart for at least 15 years of my life, but never once have I actually followed it.

I've always wanted a healthy, happy, and successful relationship, but what I failed to realize was I couldn't give others what I didn't have yet.

My heart was not completely lost in God.

In doing so, I have failed a lot of things in my life, especially relationships.

I don't regret any of those relationships though, because each one taught me how important this quote by Maya Angelou is. 

I've always walked away stronger and knowing I hadn't found my Knight in Shining Armor yet.

I'm not talking about a tall, dark, and handsome worldly guy.

I hadn't found my true Knight in Shining Armor.

The one who loves unconditionally. 

The one who forgives always.

My Knight in Shining Armor has never once left my side.

That's my Knight in Shining Armor.

I want my relationship with God to be so strong, that no matter what comes my way in life, I know His love, mercy and grace will carry me through.

My relationship and trust in Him will bring me strength and courage.

I want to be in love with Christ.

Our journey in faith can be difficult in a world full of brokenness.  A world that encourages such sinful behavior.  But that's what makes the journey worth it.

Think of St Paul's journey to find faith.  It's starts in Acts 9. 

Paul's conversion is truly amazing and I feel like all of us sinners can relate to.  He was what Christian's called, "the worst enemy" as he persecuted those who were followers of Jesus.  The name given to him at the time was Saul.  During his journey to the city of Damascus, Saul and his men where surrounded by a light so intense, that it blinded Saul.  God asked him why he was persecuting Him.  Saul asked who the Lord was and He replied that he was Jesus and asked him to go into the city and he will know what to do.  He found his faith through this journey and finally decided to be a follower of Christ, and use his Roman name, Paul.

(Cliff notes version btw!)

My therapist a couple weeks ago paid me any amazing compliment.  He told me I remind him of Ruth.

Ruth is an example of how God can change a life and take it in a direction He has always had planned.  Once Ruth met God, she became a living testimonial to Him by faith.

Even though my therapist had told me this, I still didn't quite believe it.  Only because I want to have that deep, personal relationship with God as she did.

She didn't need a man to make her happy.  She had the one man who would always make her happy....her Knight in Shining Armor.  

In doing so, God rewarded her faithfulness and brought Boaz into her life.  But Boaz had to find God as well, in order to get to Ruth's heart.

I'm ready to take these next 6 months and develop this amazing relationship with God.  I want to be faithful to Him and Him alone.  

I want to become so strong in my faith in Him.

I want to love Him, just as He loves me.

I want to experience God's love on a much deeper level than I ever have before.

Be able to say no to people because I love God more.

Stand firm in my faith, just as Ruth did.

I just need to plant that seed and keep it nurtured in order for it to bloom into something I've never experienced before in my life.

I'm ready to be so lost in God.

Are you?

Image result for heart and cross

1 comment:

  1. Amazingly enough, I read a letter last night that I wrote to a very dear friend. The cliff note version of this was: Spirituality, Belief and Hope. As I read this letter, it occurred to me how at peace I was when I wrote this. But the most important part was that I wrote this letter because I was drawn to them because they are a truly amazing person.

    In the words you write, in the devoutness I have felt in your heart, and the love I have seen in your actions: I know you will find all that you seek in the next 6 months. You are an amazing young woman with such an inspiring Spirituality. I have always Believed in you and that belief will never stop. Hope can be awkward. Because as Philippians 4:13 says, we can do all things through Christ. If we truly believe and trust in God and his plan, then hope is just a side dish. We don't have to hope anymore, because we believe!!!

    I know as you deepen your relationship with God and he becomes your Knight in Shining Armor, you will have more conviction and belief in yourself that you have never imagined. You will find peace. And you will find everything you have ever dreamed of.

    I believe in you!
