Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A New Year's Blessing

A Prayer about BLESSINGS

Merciful God,
Your love is like an ocean, and wave after wave of your blessings flow over me.  Your Word says that you have promised rich blessings to those who love you, including your presence, your grace, your comfort, your provision, and your eternal peace.  What abundant riches!  I am overwhelmed by your love and generosity toward me; my cup overflows O Lord, may I always respond to your blessings with gratitude and obedience.  And guard me from desiring blessings just for my own benefit so that I can live a comfortable life.  I know that would be misunderstanding your purpose, which is to bless me so that I can bless others.  May your love and grace flow through me.

I am walking into 2019 with a clear heart and mind.  

If you wronged me, it's okay.  I forgive you.  

If you're angry with me, you won.  I've let it go.  

If we aren't speaking, it's honestly okay.  I truly wish you well. 

 If you feel I wronged you, I am very sorry.  It definitely was never my intention.

I'm grateful for every experience that I've been given.  Life is too short for pent up anger, holding of grudges, stress, fear, or pain.  

Here's to 2019!
I choose to...
give rather than take,
love rather than hate,
better rather than bitter,
heal rather than wound,
let go rather than dwell,
bless rather than stress,
encourage rather than criticize,
be grateful rather than resentful.

I choose to be happy and focus on the light within everyone rather than their shadows.

2019 is 
A season of continued forgiveness and a positive mindset.
God is in control. 

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