Thursday, January 3, 2019

God Blessed my Broken Road

This is a very rare and raw post. I recorded this video almost 2 years ago hoping I found everything I was looking for. Little did I know, I was so very wrong and faced one of the most difficult times of my life. However, 2018 led me to see this song in a different light. This song guided me to see God did bless the broken road I had traveled. He didn't lead me to a man I was hoping to have, but He led me to something so much greater. He led me to not only rediscovering and learning to truly love and accept myself, but also led me to have an amazing relationship with Him and my faith. This video is a reminder of how far I've come this last year and what I hope to continue to discover in 2019! I now sing this song for me and God. ❤


  1. perfect!

  2. This is one of my favorites, i just love it. The video, the bravery, the writing.. you are so Blessed Kara ❤
