Thursday, August 30, 2012

Do you have an attitude like Christ?

Not many people know this, including my husband, but I've been doing "The Love Dare" from the movie Fireproof.  I'm on day 13.  However, day 12 really stuck with me.  I've been meditating on it for the last day.  It was about WILLING to let your spouse win.  Willingness is showing selfless love, just as Jesus did...

"Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others.  Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.  Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.  You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus has." (Philippians 2:3-5)

What a powerful passage.  It hit me like a ton of bricks as I reread that passage over and over again.  I had to keep asking myself, "Do I have the same attitude Jesus had?  Am I willingly looking out for others?  Do I give up and let my husband win ever?"  I had a hard time answer those questions.  Not that I don't ever do them, but I finally figured out that I don't do them enough.  I finally figured out that most of our "problems" were within myself.

I have always struggled with my faith, especially after I got baptized back in 2009.  The journey of faith is not an easy one, however it's very easy to fall off the path.  I've done it plenty of times.  I know I love Jesus Christ with all my heart and I know I need him in my life.

I've also gone through many life changing events over the past several months.  I got married in April, moved to a totally different state in June, and went from working 40+ hours a week to being a house wife.  My dream has always been to go into sonography and become an ultrasound technician.  Lately, I've been getting more involved in that field and have become even more excited.  I'm also scared though...scared it's not the right path.  Just like I've been scared at times in my marriage.

I think it's so important to lean on God, especially during times of confusion.  I just wish I would do that more often.  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5)

Who lives this verse?  Who struggles with this verse?  I do both.  But it's easy to live this verse when you let go of any pride and fully trust God.  Once you trust God, it's easier to have an attitude like Christ.

One thing I have learned is that Jesus overcame so much suffering and pain for us.  We can do the same.  If you are feeling lost and confused, this is the perfect song....

"Overcome"- Jeremy Camp

Anytime I feel like I need guidance, I listen to the song.  Amazing song!

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