Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Our Love Story (Part Two)

After getting back from Utah over Christmas, we immediately started wedding planning.  We had picked a date and were planning for it.  We were thinking of a date that incorporated us individually.  SO we subtracted our birthday's and came up with 1.  After figuring out the day, we had to find a month where the 1st was on a Saturday.  We happened to come across September 1st, which was my grandfather's birthday, who passed away 16 years ago.  I knew that would be the perfect day.  Wedding planning began.  We went through so many different venues but nothing stuck with us.  We figured we needed more time and changed the date to June 15, 2013.

Shortly after, I was dying to go dress shopping.  The very first one I tried on was under $400 and I fell in love with it.  I ordered it along with the shoes and I felt things were coming together.  A couple weeks later, I got a phone call saying my dress was in.  I immediately went to go try it on.  It didn't fit like the one I had tried on and I was devastated.  The one I had tried on before was a size bigger and had more material.

I came back the following week to try on more dresses and to exchange the one I had ordered.  There were two other dresses I had fallen in love with.  I finally chose my dress, made an appointment for alterations, and brought it home, where it hangs in my closet back in Indiana.

I knew when Matt and I got engaged that I would be moving to Dallas, TX where he got a job offer.  I was really looking forward to this new chapter in my life, however was unsure of how I felt about moving to a totally different state without being married. I also knew God wouldn't approve.  Matt and I talked about it for quite a while and finally came to a conclusion...We'd have our own private ceremony with two witnesses and my pastor from Kentucky on April 6, 2012 and have a bigger ceremony on June 15, 2013.  We ordered our rings, and things were set to go.   

Things didn't work out how we would have liked it to with my pastor from Kentucky and got in contact with my cousin's husband who did ministering for a career on the side.  He was happy to marry us, gave us an outline of the ceremony, and met us at our location ready to marry us.  Matt and I became husband and wife at 5:00pm on April 6, 2012 in front of God and my mom's side of the family.  This ceremony meant more to me than I had imagined and I realized in that moment that I didn't need a big fancy wedding to feel the love I have for Matt.  Those 10 minutes were special enough for me and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

We do plan on having a renewal ceremony somewhere down the road with family and friends.  It could be a year or 10 years from now.  We'll know when the time is right!

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