Saturday, August 25, 2012

Our Love Story (Part One)

I figured I'd post how Matt and I met, as well as how we ended up where we are now...

I had just recently ended a year long back and forth "relationship" when I decided to sign onto my Myspace account (this is when I still got on that website).  I noticed I had a friends request from this guy named Matt and I decided to check out his page.  All the information was general and kinda nerdy (hehe!), but one thing that really caught my attention was that he was attending the University of Notre Dame for his MBA.  My first thought was, "Oh my mom is going to love him!"

I decided to go out on a limb and write this guy a message.  We ended up making small talk for most of the night and exchanged numbers.  After about a week of talking, we decided to meet in public.  I am not one to go out and meet some random guy off the Internet by I drag my sister along with me!  We met up at a Starbucks.  He was already waiting inside the door when we pulled up.  My first initial thought was, "Oh, please help me lord...look at those jeans??"  He had on this really tight gray t-shirt (mind you, it was end of October in Northern IN, brr!), and these really short jeans with long socks on.  I looked at my sister and said, "He looks kind of dorky."  Of course she told me to be nice.  He walked out when we saw us making our way to the door.  He pulled me in for a half hug and smelled wonderful!  I knew with whatever cologne he had on, it could make me fall in love with him.  He greeted my sister the same way and we all walked inside to get coffee.

We talked for about an hour and decided it was time to part ways.  We hugged each other goodbye and he asked the question every girl would love to hear but that I dreaded.  "When can I see you again?  I'd love to take you out."  Being unsure of how I felt about him, I told him we'd discuss it through texting.  That night he approached me on Facebook out of respect, telling me he wasn't Catholic or didn't have any religious background.  Not being a practicing Catholic anymore, that part didn't bother me.  All I wanted to know was if he believed in God.  He said he believed in a higher power, but wasn't quite sure what that was.  We then got to talking about my beliefs on intimacy and pre-martial sex.  We found our beliefs were different and could causes problems in a relationship.  We decided it was best to go our separate ways, but still be friends.

Two days later, he asked me to reconsider and at least go out on a date with him.  I told him I'd think about it.  My sister needed help writing her resume and Matt had offered to help her.  So we decided to meet up at Starbucks once again.  Knowing he cared about my sister and helped her like that made me realize he was worth keeping around...I just wasn't ready to give my heart away.  As we were leaving that night, he asked about that date again.  I told him that I needed some time, that I didn't want him to be a rebound, but that I was interested in getting to know him.  He took that as a rejection and decided that was the last time we'd ever see each other again.

That night, I texted Matt and told him I really enjoyed hanging out with him again.  He was shocked I even wrote him and told me that he wanted to give up on trying.  I finally decided to go out to lunch with him.  We went out to Applebee's one Sunday after church and enjoyed each other's company.  We decided to keep seeing each other.

Our first official date was the Norte Dame vs. Utah football game, on November 13th, 2010.  I was nervous as he was trying to sneak me into the student section (I hated doing things like that!), but was excited to see where it might lead us.  My mom dropped me off at his apartment and he said he had something for me.  He gave me a bag that had a Notre Dame hoody and chewable multi vitamins (since he knew I had a hard time swallowing regular vitamins).  It was such a sweet gesture and I knew he really cared about me.  We still had time to kill and were both really tired.  We figured we'd try and lay down for a nap.  I knew this would be a test.  I figured he'd be worth dating if he stayed on his side of the bed and I stayed on mine.  He never once tried to make a move on me...that was the moment I knew, there was something special about this man.

We made our way to the game after our nap.  It was drizzling out, but still pretty warm for November.  I was wearing the new hoody he got me, which kept me really warm.  As we made our way to the stadium, the drizzle became thicker.  I knew by the end of the game, I'd be soaked.  Notre Dame of course was winning.  It was such a cool experience to be in the student section.  By half time, we both we're soaked and figured we'd get a picture and leave.  This picture is seriously one of my favorites....

This moment was the start of the rest of our lives.  We went through many ups and downs, spent a summer apart while he was in Dallas for an internship, and even found ourselves at a crossroad where it led to devastating breakup.  Of course we only went without talking for 2 days and decided we wanted to try and make it work again.  We worked on our friendship at first and it blossomed into the most wonderful love I can imagine.  For Christmas, he invited me back to his hometown in Utah where we spent the holiday season with his family.  I already felt like I was apart of the family the moment we walked in the door.  They welcomed me with open arms, along with plenty of hugs and smiles.  

December 26th, 2011 was the day that changed my life forever.  We bundled up, took a horse drawn sleigh ride up a mountain to a western restaurant.  We had a delicious dinner and enjoyed the music being played.  Before we had to go, Matt was determined to get a picture taken.  Little did I know, he had a plan.  As he finally flagged down a waitress to take a picture, Matt handed her the camera.  I was ready to smile for a picture when he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.  Of course I said yes.  Found out after that moment, he had the whole proposal recorded. :)

The night he proposed!

The restaurant where he proposed

How we ended up married so quickly and in Texas is coming soon!!  Thanks for reading! 

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