Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Speaking Meow?

This post is specifically for some much needed advice on our cat, Cotton.

Here is our story...

As most people know, I'm a stay at home wife trying to get back into school, so you would THINK that our cats get enough attention when they need it.

Throughout the day, I play with both of the cats, their cat feeder feeds them 3 times day, and I give both of them plenty of love.

My husband does the same when he gets home.  A lot of evenings consist of playing with the cats about an hour before their dinner, let them eat, and normally that's a sign to sleep (at least that's what the guy from "My Cat From Hell" said!).

Ever since we moved here to Texas, Cotton has been in desperate need of attention, especially when it's time for us to go to bed.  We used to lay down at night and she would take turns laying on top of us while we pet her for a while.  After she had enough, she would lay at the edge of the bed by my feet.

After a while, those 20 minutes in bed "pets" were not good enough for her and she began to beg for our my attention even more.  She specifically wants MY attention, and she will do anything to get it.

She has woke me up numerous times throughout the night scratching at my face, scratching my feet (and yes, I have bled because of these scratches), and just meows constantly.  

Matt and I discussed we will no longer pet her in bed, hoping that would help.  Did it? 


We started closing our bedroom door.  BIG MISTAKE.  Our other cat, Gidget HATES closed doors.

  All doors have to be open (she gets nervous when she doesn't have full control over her area!).  So throughout the night, she would bang and scratch at the door.  

Failed again.

Matt and I have lost so much sleep over this.  It's like having kids.

I could have swore I told Matt I wanted to wait 2 years before kids....hmmm...

Since Gidget made so much noise, we decided to keep the bedroom open, and put a bed in the room.  We hoped we could train Cotton to use the bed.  With Gidget being so territorial, it became HER bed.


So, we stuck to not petting Cotton in bed.  She was so frustrated that she couldn't get our attention that she decided to chew through Matt's phone charger chord not once, but TWICE!  

Yes, she chewed right through it.

We are seriously exhausted and unsure of what to do.  Any move we make in bed, she thinks we are awake and is walking all over us, meowing and purring waiting for more pets.

So, all you cat owners/lovers out there, do you have any other advice???  We need help!

Please and Thank You!!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Lessons to be Learned

First, don't make fun of how I became inspired tonight, but God always has plans...even if they are weird!  Secondly, this may be a little scattered.  It's just how I'm feeling tonight!

Matt and I sat down and watched the Katy Perry documentary movie tonight.  She went through many obstacles to get to where she is at now.  Even seeing her go through a devastating divorce and how hard it was on her emotionally, she still stuck to her passion and dream, and that was inspiring others through her music.

As you've read in my previous posts, I've been trying to get back into school in hopes to apply for the sonography program to become an ultrasound technician.  This whole process has emotionally and mentally drained me.  

On Wednesday, I was at my wits end with getting back into school.  I got no answers and stated I wanted to give up.  I told my mom and Matt that if I don't get enrolled by Spring that I was done trying.  Still trying to stay positive, I made my experiences into a comedy and laughed about it in a blog post!  

Life is a constant battle.  You can never change what life is, but you can definitely change your attitude about it.

**Yesterday, I came across something that made me realize that there could be worse things in life...major reality check.  I started thanking God for all he has blessed me with.**

After watching this movie tonight, I know I'm supposed to be an ultrasound technician.  And I WON'T give up until I become one.

"For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13)

One of my favorite verses ever!

I got all excited tonight and was showing Matt different ultrasound images on google images.  I was like a giddy school girl.  

   God has a plan for everything, and He has taught me a lot about patience and trusting Him.  I've gone through all this to LEARN.  To LEARN how to become an individual and independent.  To LEARN how to become confident enough in myself and my abilities in order to no longer experience anxiety and fear about trying something new, like going down to a new school to apply to.

I've always had major self-confidence issues and have always relied on other people to get me where I needed to be.  Some people would call that immature, but I call it being dependent on someone.  That's all I ever knew.

My first plane ride by myself, living by myself for the summer of 2011, experiencing the whole driver's license thing by myself, and getting back into school by myself...  

Those were all in God's plan....

God's plan to teach me how to be independent.

  I've learned through all of this that it is healthier to be an individual and to independently do things yourself; in the end, you become a stronger person.  In the end, you've learned how to trust in God.

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) 

Have a wonderful weekend.  Know that you can do anything you set your mind to and with the grace of God by your side.

God Bless!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My New Life "The Sitcom" (Part 2: College)

If you haven't read Part 1 of My New Life "The Sitcom", it kind of sets up all the problems I've gone through up until this point.

Warning: It is a little slow at first because I need to set it up.

Anyway, on to Part 2.

Getting back into college.

I started this whole process back in May (10th) when I filled out an application requesting my transcript from Ivy Tech.  I included my credit card information since that was an option and mailed it to Ivy Tech.  As the days follow, I finish working at CCYC and move to Carrollton, Texas.

Week of June 5:

After a month's wait, I still had NOT received my Ivy Tech transcript.  I contact Ivy Tech by email and ask why I hadn't.  

"When did you send it? Did you include a payment?  We can't find it.  I'll email you again with an update."

Did I receive an update?  Nope.  I gave it a couple days before I contacted them again.  I get a response  basically saying, 

"Ms. Collins, we don't have any record of your application.  Since it didn't have a check, they just shredded your application.  You'll have to send another application with another payment."

What?  It had a payment, but since it wasn't a check, you throw it away??  What the heck?  If you aren't even going to look for the credit card information as a form of payment, DON'T HAVE IT AS AN OPTION!!!

Week of June 25th:

I sent out another application requesting my official transcript from Ivy Tech with a check as my payment.

July 5th:

I email Ivy Tech asking if they had received my application.  I got a reply back stating they had and I should be receiving my official transcripts soon. 

Yes!!  Thank you Lord!!

July 7th-July 14th : Out of town in Utah trying to get Matt's house ready to sell.  Oh what a stressful week that was!

Get home from Utah on July 15th and my transcripts are finally here!  


July 19th: That whole darn process of getting my license in part 1. (hehe!)

July 21st- July 28th: Out of town in Indiana visiting my family.

July 29th:

Emailed El Centro Community College asking questions about the process of registration, what to do to prepare for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program, etc.

Here is the process before you can register:

Must have ALL your official transcripts. Check! (or so I thought!)
It is required in the state of Texas to have proof that you have had the Meningitis Vaccination before you can even register.
Attend an information session of the program of your choice.

Of course!  Well, I have my transcripts, now all I need to do is get my vaccination and attend the information session.  No big deal, right?

 Boy was I wrong!!  I started calling health departments getting quotes on how much vaccinations are.  

$175!!!!  Oh my goodness.  That's way too much for a darn vaccination.  Oh, Kroger does it for $125. I doubt the insurance I have now will cover it.  If I want to get registered for Fall 2012, I need to get this done.

**Wound up deciding to wait on the vaccination for our new health insurance to kick in on Sept. 1st.**

Fall 2012 is not an option right now for classes.  Darn it!

Matt found some math for me to study up on while waiting to get back into school (I have to take College Algebra as a prerequisite).  So, I worked on math for most of the month of August, which I got really good at, by the way!

Sept. 1st rolled around and we contacted our insurance company.  

Success!!  We are completely covered for the meningitis vaccination.  I sure am glad I waited to do this.

The next day I called around to different clinics in the area.  

"Hi, do you offer the meningitis vaccination?"

"No, not anymore."

"Hello, do you administer the meningitis vaccination?"

"We are completely out right now."

"Hi, please tell me you have the meningitis vaccination."

"Yes we do!  But it is a fee of $175."

I explain how insurance covers it fully, make an appointment, and get my vaccination.

The night after the vaccination:

Boy my arm hurts.  Why is it numb?  Oh ouch, it's sore.  My arm is having hot flashes now.  Oh burr, now cold surges.  What the heck??  Ouch!!!!

Mind you, it's been almost 2 weeks since I got the vaccination and my arm still hurts!!

Okay, got my official transcripts, got my vaccination form completed, and I applied online in May.  Let's do this!!

Sept. 11th:

I drive 20 minutes to a college near me that is in the DCCCD (this basically means that it's in the same district as the school that offers my program, which makes taking prerequisites closer to home that much easier!)

I get to Brookhaven, walk in the door and wait in line to talk to someone in Admissions.
It's my turn to be waited on.  I give them my student ID number, my transcript and vaccination form.  

Yes, one step closer to being registered for classes.  I might actually get into the flex term courses starting on October 15th!

"Mrs. Pope, you have to have the official transcript from ALL of the colleges you attended.  We still need one from Jefferson Community College.  You can still go talk to an advisor and see if you can't get into any classes for the flex term period."

I make my way to the advising center, get in with an advisor, feeling really confident.

"We can't really help you figure out what classes you need until you get your other transcript in the system.  Once you get your transcript, go back to Admissions, file a degree plan and get a course evaluation."


I went out to lunch with Matt, called my mom venting, went home and cleaned, and requested my transcript from JCC.

September 15th:

My official transcript from JCC has arrived!!!

Wow, only took 3 days to get it.  Ivy Tech needs to get it together and learn how to do it that way!  Alright, Monday I'll head back to Brookhaven and turn this in.  Then I can file a degree plan and a course evaluation!  Oh, I can smell how close I am to getting registered!!

September 17th:

Headed back to Brookhaven, turned in my transcript and started filling out my degree plan.

"If you want to take classes here, you have to sign up for Associate of Science not Associate of Applied Science.  But since your degree is specifically Associate of Applied Science for the Sonography program, you'll have to take your classes at El Centro.  I'm sorry."

Failed again.  God, I really just want to give up.  Why is nothing working out?  Why has this whole process been so difficult.  It should not be this hard to get back into school.

After realizing that God has a purpose for everything, I decided to go to El Centro to see if I can find any answers.

September 19th (Today):

I refuse to drive in Texas traffic to downtown Dallas.  They will run you off the road.  So, I take the train instead.

I get on the train this morning at about 9:30am.  I get downtown Dallas around 10:30am.  I head to El Centro and wait in line at the Admissions office to see if I can do a degree plan and course evaluation.

"We don't do that here anymore.  Both of those are done at the advising center now."

Surprise, surprise.  Can't you all ever make anything simple??

I walk over to the advising center, tell them what I need done, and finally get in with an advisor.  I tell her what I need, give her my transcripts.  I couldn't believe what I heard her say,

"We have to wait until your transcripts make their way over to our system, which could take a week or two.  I can go ask my boss to see if your Writing, Reading, and Math class will be exempted from the TSI testing."

As I waited, this is what went through my mind,

If this does not work out today, I'm done.  I'm so tired and worn out from this process.  Plus, my arm still hurts ~rubbing left shoulder~.  Ugh, why do they have to make things so darn complicated here?? First you need this, then you need that.  Oh you can't do this until you do that.  Yada yada yada!  It's not that hard to do people!!

My advisor comes back and informs me that I do not have to take any TSI testing.


"Course evaluation does take place at Admissions.  Unfortunately you can't get your courses evaluated until you register."

They just sent me over here saying they don't do course evaluation there anymore.  Ah yi yi!  Get it together people and have the same answers please!  I'm tired of getting jerked around.

"You can go to Admissions and see how long the process takes before you can get a course evaluation."

So, I walk back to Admissions, talk to someone about a course evaluation and she tells me,

"The head of admissions can give you an idea of what classes may transfer, but it won't be the official course evaluation.  Sadly, you can't really find that out until you register."

That is it!  I give up.  I'm done.  I can't do this anymore.  How does that make any sense at all?  I have to wait until I register to see what classes transfer?  How is that going to work??

The sitcom ends here.  I get back on the train, vent to my mom once again, go to lunch with Matt, go home and lay out by the pool.

  Do I get back into school and become an ultrasound technician?

That story is non-exsistent right now....

And the waiting continues....

Le sigh.


My New Life "The Sitcom" (Part 1: Driver's License)

Some may find this post a little offensive (those who live or are from TX), while others may find it funny.  It's just a way for me to vent and let out my steam in a positive way. :)

Apparently here in Texas, EVERYTHING is always a 4-step (or more) process when all it really needs to be is ONE!!

For example, when I was trying to get my Texas license, it took 4-steps to get my darn drivers license.  I looked on the website, got all my information ready and headed down to DMV one morning (8:15am).  I waited for about 2 hours and when they finally called me back, they tell me...

"Oh, you need to have a Texas registration before you can get your license.  AND before you can get registered, you have to get your vehicle inspected.  Here is the address for the registration place.  Most oil changing places do state inspections.  They have big signs out front.  Since you have this DMV time ticket, you are free to come back whenever and won't have to wait, as long as you come back today."

 I walk out thinking, of course you need to do this and this and this...wait a minute, I don't know my way around here...uh, where is an oil changing place??  Where is the registration place??  Oh dear, I need to get my license so I can fly back to Indiana in two days (my Indiana license still had my maiden name on it and my plane ticket had 'Pope' on it HAD TO HAPPEN THAT DAY!).  

I turn down the road and thankfully to my left I see a MIDAS with a BIG sign saying "STATE INSPECTIONS" across the front of the building.

Praise God!!!

I walk in and the guy was really nice.  He got my car in and of course I passed the inspection. 

 Now onto get my Texas registration.  

Uh, where is the registration place.  Oh yeah it's on the paper the lady at the DMV gave me.  I'll just type it in my GPS and it'll take me there.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT ADDRESS DOESN'T EXSIST??  Ugh, I guess I'll just have to find it myself.  Stupid GPS.  Why is everything in Texas so stupid?  Okay Kara, focus.  It's off Rosemeade, just go down the road until you get to that street and turn left, right?  Isn't that what the guy at MIDAS said?  I guess I'll find out.

So, I mozy on down the road at 10:30am and find Rosemeade.  

Yes!  I actually found the road without my GPS.  Yup, I'm hot stuff right now.  Uh, what would the building be called for your registration??  This is my first time doing this by myself...hmmm, there is a sign that is pointing to that building out in the middle of nowhere saying "State Rep.".  I'll just turn there and see if that's it.  It would make sense, I think.

(I swear I'm not ditz or stupid.  I've just never learned how to do any of this by myself.)

Welp, to my surprise it was!  Yes!  I walk into the building and feeling so confident that I am one step closer to getting my Texas Drivers License.  I walk up to the window, give the lady my Indiana insurance and vehicle registration.

"Do you have your insurance policy information with you, because your insurance card itself can't give me the information I need to make sure it will cover here in Texas."

Uh lady, I just flippin' moved here from Indiana and the insurance is under my mother and she has all the information in INDIANA!!!!

I reply calmly, "No, I don't.  The policy number on the card isn't enough?"  She shook her head.  She told me if I could get a hold of the insurance company I could have them fax the information she needed.

Failed again.

I walk out, beginning to get discouraged and start driving down the road in tears calling my mom like a kid. "Mom, bleepity, bleepity, bleepity, bleep!"  

**No, I did not cuss that WHOLE time, I just don't remember what  I said!**

I get back to the apartment, clear my mind, turn on my Macbook and search for Safeco.  I found the website and call the number.  I tell them my dilemma and the lady was more than encouraging until she said....

"Mrs. Pope, since your mother lives in Indiana, you need to get on your own individual plan."

Great, more money I don't need to be spending each month.  Didn't Matt say we were going to be on the same insurance plan in September?  I don't have until September.  This will have to do.  Gotta love getting married and things changing like this.

During our 20 minute phone conversation, she got me set up on my own plan, I found out it's over $100 a month, and she put Matt as one of the drivers on my insurance.  Ahh, the sound of success.  I was ready to be on my merry way to print off my temporary copy and head back to the registration place.

Natt Pop.  What on earth??  They couldn't even spell my husband's name right??  You have got to be kidding me.  I spelled it out.  MA-T-T P-O-P-E.  Who is seriously named Natt Pop?


I dialed the number to the insurance company and asked for them to change it.  After 10 minutes, I had it changed.


Alright Kara, let's go get this stuff done so you can come home and just relax.  Wait, I should probably eat.  Warm up left over pizza, drink a pepsi and go!

(12:30pm) After eating, I print off my temporary insurance ID cards, I head back to the registration place and everything was completed with NO, I repeat NO complications.  I got my license plates and my registration sticker to stick in my windshield.  


(1pm) I left and started driving back towards the DMV.  I was feeling extremely confident and felt that I didn't have much more to do.  Just get my drivers license.  I walk into the DMV, walk back to the desk, give all my UPDATED information, take my eye exam, smile for my picture, and get my temporary driver's license.


I go home, planning on laying down for a 30 minute nap since I had been up since 5:30 that morning.  Wound up sleeping 2.5 hours.  Ahh!

Oh no!  It's 4:30 and I told Matt I'd make chicken chili for dinner tonight.  It takes 30 minutes to prepare if not longer, and then an hour to cook, right??  Kara, you got this.  You just did all of today by yourself.  Cooking is a piece of cake, especially this.  You've done it already with Matt before.

Boiled the chicken.  Shred the chicken.  Cut up and saute onion and garlic.  Check!  Add to the pot with chicken in it, along with salsa, chilies, and beans.

Dinner was a....


Two days later at 5:30am Matt is driving me down to the DFW airport.  I got in line for security check.  Pulled out my temporary driver's license nervously.  The security guard asked if I had any other form of ID.  I gave him my credit card.  As I bit my nails nervously it was a....


Had a great time visiting my mom, sister, and family in Indiana.  As I got home, I got my permanent insurance ID cards in the mail and saw that it was insured under Matt Pope not Kara Pope.

DOH!  Here we go again....

It all turned out fine, they got it changed and have the correct information on who it is insured under.  However, the listed drivers are Kara Pope and wait, you've got to be kidding me??

Natt Pop?!?!?

Oh well!

Part 2 will be the sitcom of me trying to get back into school. I had to write this to set up for that post.  It explains how ever since I moved here, everything has been difficult!  Until then...

Have a great night!! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Need a pick-me-up?

Matt and I went to the zoo when we first moved here and video taped these three lion cubs (mature lion cubs)!  There were the cutest things and we watched them for 20 minutes.  So, if you need a laugh or something to cheer you up, here is a video that might do the trick!

And here is one I found on youtube while uploading mine!  It's a must see!  

Momma Lion pushing Lion Cub in the water!

Happy Wednesday Evening Everyone!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Walk by Faith!

Lately, I've been sitting down at random times during the day and flip open my Bible, not having anything in mind to read.  Have you ever done this?  It's so cool how God talks to you by just leading you to passages you need to hear for that day.  On Thursday night, I got into bed a little earlier than normal and took my Bible with me.  Mind you, I hadn't done this in a long my Bible.  I just flipped open my Bible and I came to Psalm 31.  The theme for this passage was:

 "in times of stress, depending upon God requires complete commitment."


I've been so incredibly stressed about getting back into school.  It's been an endless process starting back at the beginning of May.  I applied online for college back in May and sent out a request for my transcripts.  My application went through smoothly, but I didn't get my transcripts until the end of July (after fighting to get them for 2 months).  Once I got my transcripts, I found out that before I could even register, it was mandatory to get a meningitis vaccination in the state of Texas.  Well, looking for places that would do it for pretty cheap was impossible, so I had to wait until our insurance kicked in on September 1st, hoping and praying insurance covered at least some of it.  As I've been waiting, I've been studying up on my math skills since one of my prerequisites for the sonography program is college algebra (yikes!!!).  

I realized when I sat down and read this passage that it's all in God's hands, and I just need to leave it alone and let it all play out like it should.  I jotted down a few verses that I felt could help me get through this stressful time; to remind me that God is there for me, especially when I commit myself to him and depend on him fully.

"O Lord, I have come to you for protection; don't let me be disgraced.  Save me, for you do what is right." (Psalm 31:1)

"But I'm trusting you, O Lord, saying, 'You are my God!'  My future is in your hands..." (Psalm 31:14-15)

"Praise the Lord, for he has shown me the wonders of his unfailing love..." (Psalm 31:21)

"So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!" (Psalm 31:24)

**Found out that insurance fully covered the vaccine and all I have to do now is register!  God is truly wonderful, especially when you trust in him!!**

Then today, about 15 minutes ago, I pulled out my Bible again and just randomly opened it.  I came to Colossians 2.  Another favorite of mine, and something I needed to read again.  

Just like I stated in my post about having a Christ like attitude, falling away from your faith is so easy to do and I'm really good at it.  This passage reminded me how important it is to keep fighting and staying on that path.

"And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him.  Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him.  Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness." (Colossians 2:6-7)

God works in my life, as well as everyone else's lives every day.  I'm such a different person when I trust in him.  I have more patience, a calm demeanor, and always turn to him when I need help.  I will end this post with this last verse...

"For we live by believing, not by seeing." (2 Corinthians 5:7 NLT)

Thanks for reading and God bless you as you enter into another week!!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Various Beauty Tips (My Secrets)

NOTE: This particular blog is pretty much for women...guys are more than welcome to read though!  It's also a little lengthy, but has LOTS of information and pictures!

Ever feel like you need a change, physically?  Whether it's your makeup,  your hair, or just your style in general?  As I'm waiting to get back into school,  I've had plenty of time to figure out how to look different each day by changing the way I do my hair and makeup.  Some hair styles take some time, while others are quick and easy!

I don't wear a lot of makeup and my makeup routine never goes past 10 minutes, even when I change it around a bit.  My hair, depending on what I do for the day, normally takes the longest to do.  But, I know my husband enjoys coming home to me looking different every day!

Few Beauty Tips:

  • Velcro Rollers have become my best friend!  I first was introduced to velcro rollers when I needed to style my hair for my wedding:

  • Natural Beauty is the most beautiful way to look for any girl/woman.  If you want to enhance your natural beauty, all you have to use is a little bit of bronzer, blush, and mascara!
  • ALWAYS protect your hair with a heat protector product (I use TRESemme Thermal Creations Volumizing Heat protectant mousse)!

Here are several different hair styles and make-up routines:

Hairstyle #1: Velcro Rollers (2 inches), teasing combing, bobby pins, straightener, heat protector, and hair spray.

I always part my hair from the left side to my right.  I decided to part it down the middle for a change.  After parting my hair, I used 12 of the 2 inch velcro rollers.  I flipped my hair out and away from my head to give it a flipped out look and let that set for about 20 minutes.  Before putting in the rollers, I teased each section of hair.  This helps give the hair volume beforehand so you don't pull out the end result.  Once I took out the rollers, I took my fingers and went thru it gently and then hair sprayed it.  I took the top section of my hair and gave myself a half up-do.

End result:

 I even flipped out my bangs.

Hair Routine: 10 minutes to set, leave in 20 minutes, take out and style!

If you would like to know where I got this inspiration, here are the videos I watched beforehand: (flipped out hair look) (Voluminous Half Up-do)

This girl is AMAZING with hair and makeup tutorials!

Hairstyle #2: Straightener, heat protector and hairspray

I can't really describe how to do this hairstyle because I'm still trying to learn it! I linked the video I got the idea from.  She is awesome at explaining how to do this look.

Here is my finished look:

Hair Routine: 30 minutes (I'm a beginner at this style! ha!)
Makeup Routine: 10 Minutes
**Concealer (Maybelline Instant Age Eraser Dark Circles)** Bronzer (Physicians Formula "Sunlight 3105")**Blush (Neutrogena "Healthy Skin Blends Pure 22")** Eye Shadow: Brown Smokey Eye (Hard Candy "064")** Eyeliner (Almay crayon eyeliner "03 brown")** Mascara (Almay Waterproof "Black Brown 02")

Hair Tutorial Video:

Hairstyle #3: Bobby pins, hairspray

This next hairstyle is perfect for a hot and humid summer day.  I love this now that I live in Texas!!  Basically all I did was tease my hair a bit at my crown.  Then I took my bangs and twisted them into a french twist rather than a french braid.  I'm terrible at french braids.  I'll link a hair tutorial video on how to do a french twist.  Once I got my french twist and secured it, I took the rest of my hair and started twisting it until it was tight enough to twist it into a bun.  Secured the bun with bobby pins and sprayed the finished looked.

Hair Routine: 5 minutes
Makeup Routine: 10 minutes
**Concealer (Maybelline Instant Age Eraser Dark Circles)** Bronzer (Physicians Formula "Sunlight 3105")**Blush (Neutrogena "Healthy Skin Blends Pure 22")** Eye Shadow (Almay intense i-color for hazel eyes "023")**Eyeliner (Covergirl "Midnight Blue 220")**Mascara (Almay Waterproof "Black Brown 02")

Hair Tutorial Video:

Hairstyle #4: Bobby pins, straightener, heat protector, hairspray

Similar to the above look, this is another french twist look with my hair straightened.  I was going to the movies with my husband this day and wanted to do a french twist, but leave my hair down.  You can use the above video to help you with the french twist, and straighten your hair to your liking.  Here is my finished look:

Hair Routine: 10 minutes
Makeup Routine: 10 minutes
 **Concealer (Maybelline Instant Age Eraser Dark Circles)**Beauty Balm "BB Cream" (Maybelline 8-in-1 Skin Protector SPF 30 "Light/Medium")**Bronzer (Physicians Formula "Sunlight 3105")**Blush (Neutrogena "Healthy Skin Blends Pure 22")**Eyeshadow: Green Smokey Eye (Maybelline Expert Wear "Irish Mist 435EDU-60")** Eyeliner (Almay intense i-color eyeliner crayon "003 black")**Mascara (Almay Waterproof "Black Brown 02")

Hairstyle #5: Bobby pins, teasing comb, ponytail holder, hairspray

Yet, another fun summer look.  All you do is tease your hair if you want more volume.  Section off apart of your hair to french braid or french twist, and then pull the rest of your hair into a side messy bun.  Once you get that secured, french twist or french braid the sectioned off hair and add it to the messy bun and you get another fun summer look!

Hair Routine: 5 Minutes

Makeup Routine: 5 Minutes
 **Concealer (Maybelline Instant Age Eraser Dark Circles)**Beauty Balm "BB Cream" (Maybelline 8-in-1 Skin Protector SPF 30 "Light/Medium")**Bronzer (Physicians Formula "Sunlight 3105")**Blush (Neutrogena "Healthy Skin Blends Pure 22")**Eyeliner (Almay intense i-color eyeliner crayon "003 black")**Mascara (Almay Waterproof "Black Brown 02")

Hair Tutorial Video:

Hairstyle #6: Bobby pins, teasing comb, hair spray, straightener/curling iron

This is another great look for hot summer days.  The previous summer up-dos are more casual while this hairstyle is much more sophisticated.  It's called the braided up-do.  It's really fun and easy to do once you get used to it.  This is another hairstyle I have a hard time describing to people, so I have a video linked on how to do it.  It's a very helpful step-by-step tutorial.

Here is my finished look:

 Hair Routine: 10-15 minutes

   Makeup Routine: 10-12 Minutes
**Concealer (Maybelline Instant Age Eraser Dark Circles)**Beauty Balm "BB Cream" (Maybelline 8-in-1 Skin Protector SPF 30 "Light/Medium")**Bronzer (Physicians Formula "Sunlight 3105")**Blush (Neutrogena "Healthy Skin Blends Pure 22")** Eye Shadow: Brown Smokey Eye (Maybelline Color Tattoo "Bad to the Bronze 25" AND Hard Candy "064")** (Almay intense i-color eyeliner crayon "003 black")**Mascara (Almay Waterproof "Black Brown 02")**Eye Brow (Sonia Kashuk Brow Kit "12")

This is one of my favorite up-do hairstyles!!

Hair Tutorial Video:

I hope this blog inspires and helps some women out there!  Inner beauty always shines through when you have more self-confidence within yourself...and I know when I change my look each day, I feel more confident than ever!  If you have any questions or need advice, please don't hesitate to ask!

God Bless!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Healthy and Delicious Mexican Dinner!

My mother always made this dish in the crock pot.  At the beginning of the summer, Matt and I didn't own a crock pot, but wanted to make this dish.  So, we called his mom up who did it all on the stove, and she gave us her ideas for her recipe.  We combined the two recipes together and found a delicious meal we eat every single week, also under $15!

Chicken Chili:

These are the ingredients you'll need:

·      3 chicken breasts
·      1 white onion
·      1 Green pepper
·      1-2 cloves of garlic
·      2 cans of Great Northern White Beans
·      7oz can of chopped green chili
·      2/3 cups medium salsa
·      4oz sour cream
·      Seasoned Salt or Chicken Bullion
·      Salt and Pepper to taste
·      Shredded Cheese

(I'll show pics of the process along with the brands of food I get to make  for this meal.  NOTE: I don't have pictures of each ingredient, so be sure to read carefully!)

Boil chicken breasts with 1 cup of water with seasoning or chicken bullion for 15 minutes.

Once chicken has softened, shred the chicken and then put it back in the pot with seasoning/broth.

Chop onion and sauté with garlic cloves on medium-low heat.  Until soft.  Do not brown

Combine sauted onion and garlic, chopped green chilies (don’t drain), chopped green pepper, white beans (don’t drain, makes it thicker), and salsa into the pot with chicken.

Simmer for an hour, stirring occasionally.


****After an hour, add 2oz of sour cream salt and pepper.****

This is what it looks like when it's finished cooking (it might be darker depending on how much salsa you use!)


Add some shredded cheese and enjoy this meal with some tortilla chips!