Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Speaking Meow?

This post is specifically for some much needed advice on our cat, Cotton.

Here is our story...

As most people know, I'm a stay at home wife trying to get back into school, so you would THINK that our cats get enough attention when they need it.

Throughout the day, I play with both of the cats, their cat feeder feeds them 3 times day, and I give both of them plenty of love.

My husband does the same when he gets home.  A lot of evenings consist of playing with the cats about an hour before their dinner, let them eat, and normally that's a sign to sleep (at least that's what the guy from "My Cat From Hell" said!).

Ever since we moved here to Texas, Cotton has been in desperate need of attention, especially when it's time for us to go to bed.  We used to lay down at night and she would take turns laying on top of us while we pet her for a while.  After she had enough, she would lay at the edge of the bed by my feet.

After a while, those 20 minutes in bed "pets" were not good enough for her and she began to beg for our my attention even more.  She specifically wants MY attention, and she will do anything to get it.

She has woke me up numerous times throughout the night scratching at my face, scratching my feet (and yes, I have bled because of these scratches), and just meows constantly.  

Matt and I discussed we will no longer pet her in bed, hoping that would help.  Did it? 


We started closing our bedroom door.  BIG MISTAKE.  Our other cat, Gidget HATES closed doors.

  All doors have to be open (she gets nervous when she doesn't have full control over her area!).  So throughout the night, she would bang and scratch at the door.  

Failed again.

Matt and I have lost so much sleep over this.  It's like having kids.

I could have swore I told Matt I wanted to wait 2 years before kids....hmmm...

Since Gidget made so much noise, we decided to keep the bedroom open, and put a bed in the room.  We hoped we could train Cotton to use the bed.  With Gidget being so territorial, it became HER bed.


So, we stuck to not petting Cotton in bed.  She was so frustrated that she couldn't get our attention that she decided to chew through Matt's phone charger chord not once, but TWICE!  

Yes, she chewed right through it.

We are seriously exhausted and unsure of what to do.  Any move we make in bed, she thinks we are awake and is walking all over us, meowing and purring waiting for more pets.

So, all you cat owners/lovers out there, do you have any other advice???  We need help!

Please and Thank You!!!!


  1. Here is what I would try and do...but I am no expert! First off when you are home, make sure she isn't sleeping this will give her more incentive to sleep when you are sleeping. Also I would try playing with her until she is panting right before bed and don't feed her at night that way she wont have any extra energy for later on in the night. Now, when she scratches you I would either make a really loud shaking a can with coins in it or a just voice a loud yelp (like dogs do when you step on their foot). Something unpleasant sounding. That way maybe she will associate the scratching you with a negative sound. If she wakes you up another way just ignore it completely, don't even look at her and she should stop (just make sure you put up the phone charger at night!) I know its hard dealing with an animal that isn't being cooperative. I hope some of my suggestions help! Good luck! Oh and If the door being closed helped you should be able to ignore the other cat and eventually it will stop. I know it is hard but hopefully a few restless nights now will lead to better nights down the road!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I really appreciate your advice! I would love to keep the door closed, but m husband can't stand it...and he's the one working right now. Very helpful advice and I'll definitely keep trying! Hope all is well :)
