Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My New Life "The Sitcom" (Part 1: Driver's License)

Some may find this post a little offensive (those who live or are from TX), while others may find it funny.  It's just a way for me to vent and let out my steam in a positive way. :)

Apparently here in Texas, EVERYTHING is always a 4-step (or more) process when all it really needs to be is ONE!!

For example, when I was trying to get my Texas license, it took 4-steps to get my darn drivers license.  I looked on the website, got all my information ready and headed down to DMV one morning (8:15am).  I waited for about 2 hours and when they finally called me back, they tell me...

"Oh, you need to have a Texas registration before you can get your license.  AND before you can get registered, you have to get your vehicle inspected.  Here is the address for the registration place.  Most oil changing places do state inspections.  They have big signs out front.  Since you have this DMV time ticket, you are free to come back whenever and won't have to wait, as long as you come back today."

 I walk out thinking, of course you need to do this and this and this...wait a minute, I don't know my way around here...uh, where is an oil changing place??  Where is the registration place??  Oh dear, I need to get my license so I can fly back to Indiana in two days (my Indiana license still had my maiden name on it and my plane ticket had 'Pope' on it HAD TO HAPPEN THAT DAY!).  

I turn down the road and thankfully to my left I see a MIDAS with a BIG sign saying "STATE INSPECTIONS" across the front of the building.

Praise God!!!

I walk in and the guy was really nice.  He got my car in and of course I passed the inspection. 

 Now onto get my Texas registration.  

Uh, where is the registration place.  Oh yeah it's on the paper the lady at the DMV gave me.  I'll just type it in my GPS and it'll take me there.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT ADDRESS DOESN'T EXSIST??  Ugh, I guess I'll just have to find it myself.  Stupid GPS.  Why is everything in Texas so stupid?  Okay Kara, focus.  It's off Rosemeade, just go down the road until you get to that street and turn left, right?  Isn't that what the guy at MIDAS said?  I guess I'll find out.

So, I mozy on down the road at 10:30am and find Rosemeade.  

Yes!  I actually found the road without my GPS.  Yup, I'm hot stuff right now.  Uh, what would the building be called for your registration??  This is my first time doing this by myself...hmmm, there is a sign that is pointing to that building out in the middle of nowhere saying "State Rep.".  I'll just turn there and see if that's it.  It would make sense, I think.

(I swear I'm not ditz or stupid.  I've just never learned how to do any of this by myself.)

Welp, to my surprise it was!  Yes!  I walk into the building and feeling so confident that I am one step closer to getting my Texas Drivers License.  I walk up to the window, give the lady my Indiana insurance and vehicle registration.

"Do you have your insurance policy information with you, because your insurance card itself can't give me the information I need to make sure it will cover here in Texas."

Uh lady, I just flippin' moved here from Indiana and the insurance is under my mother and she has all the information in INDIANA!!!!

I reply calmly, "No, I don't.  The policy number on the card isn't enough?"  She shook her head.  She told me if I could get a hold of the insurance company I could have them fax the information she needed.

Failed again.

I walk out, beginning to get discouraged and start driving down the road in tears calling my mom like a kid. "Mom, bleepity, bleepity, bleepity, bleep!"  

**No, I did not cuss that WHOLE time, I just don't remember what  I said!**

I get back to the apartment, clear my mind, turn on my Macbook and search for Safeco.  I found the website and call the number.  I tell them my dilemma and the lady was more than encouraging until she said....

"Mrs. Pope, since your mother lives in Indiana, you need to get on your own individual plan."

Great, more money I don't need to be spending each month.  Didn't Matt say we were going to be on the same insurance plan in September?  I don't have until September.  This will have to do.  Gotta love getting married and things changing like this.

During our 20 minute phone conversation, she got me set up on my own plan, I found out it's over $100 a month, and she put Matt as one of the drivers on my insurance.  Ahh, the sound of success.  I was ready to be on my merry way to print off my temporary copy and head back to the registration place.

Natt Pop.  What on earth??  They couldn't even spell my husband's name right??  You have got to be kidding me.  I spelled it out.  MA-T-T P-O-P-E.  Who is seriously named Natt Pop?


I dialed the number to the insurance company and asked for them to change it.  After 10 minutes, I had it changed.


Alright Kara, let's go get this stuff done so you can come home and just relax.  Wait, I should probably eat.  Warm up left over pizza, drink a pepsi and go!

(12:30pm) After eating, I print off my temporary insurance ID cards, I head back to the registration place and everything was completed with NO, I repeat NO complications.  I got my license plates and my registration sticker to stick in my windshield.  


(1pm) I left and started driving back towards the DMV.  I was feeling extremely confident and felt that I didn't have much more to do.  Just get my drivers license.  I walk into the DMV, walk back to the desk, give all my UPDATED information, take my eye exam, smile for my picture, and get my temporary driver's license.


I go home, planning on laying down for a 30 minute nap since I had been up since 5:30 that morning.  Wound up sleeping 2.5 hours.  Ahh!

Oh no!  It's 4:30 and I told Matt I'd make chicken chili for dinner tonight.  It takes 30 minutes to prepare if not longer, and then an hour to cook, right??  Kara, you got this.  You just did all of today by yourself.  Cooking is a piece of cake, especially this.  You've done it already with Matt before.

Boiled the chicken.  Shred the chicken.  Cut up and saute onion and garlic.  Check!  Add to the pot with chicken in it, along with salsa, chilies, and beans.

Dinner was a....


Two days later at 5:30am Matt is driving me down to the DFW airport.  I got in line for security check.  Pulled out my temporary driver's license nervously.  The security guard asked if I had any other form of ID.  I gave him my credit card.  As I bit my nails nervously it was a....


Had a great time visiting my mom, sister, and family in Indiana.  As I got home, I got my permanent insurance ID cards in the mail and saw that it was insured under Matt Pope not Kara Pope.

DOH!  Here we go again....

It all turned out fine, they got it changed and have the correct information on who it is insured under.  However, the listed drivers are Kara Pope and wait, you've got to be kidding me??

Natt Pop?!?!?

Oh well!

Part 2 will be the sitcom of me trying to get back into school. I had to write this to set up for that post.  It explains how ever since I moved here, everything has been difficult!  Until then...

Have a great night!! :)

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