Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My New Life "The Sitcom" (Part 2: College)

If you haven't read Part 1 of My New Life "The Sitcom", it kind of sets up all the problems I've gone through up until this point.

Warning: It is a little slow at first because I need to set it up.

Anyway, on to Part 2.

Getting back into college.

I started this whole process back in May (10th) when I filled out an application requesting my transcript from Ivy Tech.  I included my credit card information since that was an option and mailed it to Ivy Tech.  As the days follow, I finish working at CCYC and move to Carrollton, Texas.

Week of June 5:

After a month's wait, I still had NOT received my Ivy Tech transcript.  I contact Ivy Tech by email and ask why I hadn't.  

"When did you send it? Did you include a payment?  We can't find it.  I'll email you again with an update."

Did I receive an update?  Nope.  I gave it a couple days before I contacted them again.  I get a response  basically saying, 

"Ms. Collins, we don't have any record of your application.  Since it didn't have a check, they just shredded your application.  You'll have to send another application with another payment."

What?  It had a payment, but since it wasn't a check, you throw it away??  What the heck?  If you aren't even going to look for the credit card information as a form of payment, DON'T HAVE IT AS AN OPTION!!!

Week of June 25th:

I sent out another application requesting my official transcript from Ivy Tech with a check as my payment.

July 5th:

I email Ivy Tech asking if they had received my application.  I got a reply back stating they had and I should be receiving my official transcripts soon. 

Yes!!  Thank you Lord!!

July 7th-July 14th : Out of town in Utah trying to get Matt's house ready to sell.  Oh what a stressful week that was!

Get home from Utah on July 15th and my transcripts are finally here!  


July 19th: That whole darn process of getting my license in part 1. (hehe!)

July 21st- July 28th: Out of town in Indiana visiting my family.

July 29th:

Emailed El Centro Community College asking questions about the process of registration, what to do to prepare for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program, etc.

Here is the process before you can register:

Must have ALL your official transcripts. Check! (or so I thought!)
It is required in the state of Texas to have proof that you have had the Meningitis Vaccination before you can even register.
Attend an information session of the program of your choice.

Of course!  Well, I have my transcripts, now all I need to do is get my vaccination and attend the information session.  No big deal, right?

 Boy was I wrong!!  I started calling health departments getting quotes on how much vaccinations are.  

$175!!!!  Oh my goodness.  That's way too much for a darn vaccination.  Oh, Kroger does it for $125. I doubt the insurance I have now will cover it.  If I want to get registered for Fall 2012, I need to get this done.

**Wound up deciding to wait on the vaccination for our new health insurance to kick in on Sept. 1st.**

Fall 2012 is not an option right now for classes.  Darn it!

Matt found some math for me to study up on while waiting to get back into school (I have to take College Algebra as a prerequisite).  So, I worked on math for most of the month of August, which I got really good at, by the way!

Sept. 1st rolled around and we contacted our insurance company.  

Success!!  We are completely covered for the meningitis vaccination.  I sure am glad I waited to do this.

The next day I called around to different clinics in the area.  

"Hi, do you offer the meningitis vaccination?"

"No, not anymore."

"Hello, do you administer the meningitis vaccination?"

"We are completely out right now."

"Hi, please tell me you have the meningitis vaccination."

"Yes we do!  But it is a fee of $175."

I explain how insurance covers it fully, make an appointment, and get my vaccination.

The night after the vaccination:

Boy my arm hurts.  Why is it numb?  Oh ouch, it's sore.  My arm is having hot flashes now.  Oh burr, now cold surges.  What the heck??  Ouch!!!!

Mind you, it's been almost 2 weeks since I got the vaccination and my arm still hurts!!

Okay, got my official transcripts, got my vaccination form completed, and I applied online in May.  Let's do this!!

Sept. 11th:

I drive 20 minutes to a college near me that is in the DCCCD (this basically means that it's in the same district as the school that offers my program, which makes taking prerequisites closer to home that much easier!)

I get to Brookhaven, walk in the door and wait in line to talk to someone in Admissions.
It's my turn to be waited on.  I give them my student ID number, my transcript and vaccination form.  

Yes, one step closer to being registered for classes.  I might actually get into the flex term courses starting on October 15th!

"Mrs. Pope, you have to have the official transcript from ALL of the colleges you attended.  We still need one from Jefferson Community College.  You can still go talk to an advisor and see if you can't get into any classes for the flex term period."

I make my way to the advising center, get in with an advisor, feeling really confident.

"We can't really help you figure out what classes you need until you get your other transcript in the system.  Once you get your transcript, go back to Admissions, file a degree plan and get a course evaluation."


I went out to lunch with Matt, called my mom venting, went home and cleaned, and requested my transcript from JCC.

September 15th:

My official transcript from JCC has arrived!!!

Wow, only took 3 days to get it.  Ivy Tech needs to get it together and learn how to do it that way!  Alright, Monday I'll head back to Brookhaven and turn this in.  Then I can file a degree plan and a course evaluation!  Oh, I can smell how close I am to getting registered!!

September 17th:

Headed back to Brookhaven, turned in my transcript and started filling out my degree plan.

"If you want to take classes here, you have to sign up for Associate of Science not Associate of Applied Science.  But since your degree is specifically Associate of Applied Science for the Sonography program, you'll have to take your classes at El Centro.  I'm sorry."

Failed again.  God, I really just want to give up.  Why is nothing working out?  Why has this whole process been so difficult.  It should not be this hard to get back into school.

After realizing that God has a purpose for everything, I decided to go to El Centro to see if I can find any answers.

September 19th (Today):

I refuse to drive in Texas traffic to downtown Dallas.  They will run you off the road.  So, I take the train instead.

I get on the train this morning at about 9:30am.  I get downtown Dallas around 10:30am.  I head to El Centro and wait in line at the Admissions office to see if I can do a degree plan and course evaluation.

"We don't do that here anymore.  Both of those are done at the advising center now."

Surprise, surprise.  Can't you all ever make anything simple??

I walk over to the advising center, tell them what I need done, and finally get in with an advisor.  I tell her what I need, give her my transcripts.  I couldn't believe what I heard her say,

"We have to wait until your transcripts make their way over to our system, which could take a week or two.  I can go ask my boss to see if your Writing, Reading, and Math class will be exempted from the TSI testing."

As I waited, this is what went through my mind,

If this does not work out today, I'm done.  I'm so tired and worn out from this process.  Plus, my arm still hurts ~rubbing left shoulder~.  Ugh, why do they have to make things so darn complicated here?? First you need this, then you need that.  Oh you can't do this until you do that.  Yada yada yada!  It's not that hard to do people!!

My advisor comes back and informs me that I do not have to take any TSI testing.


"Course evaluation does take place at Admissions.  Unfortunately you can't get your courses evaluated until you register."

They just sent me over here saying they don't do course evaluation there anymore.  Ah yi yi!  Get it together people and have the same answers please!  I'm tired of getting jerked around.

"You can go to Admissions and see how long the process takes before you can get a course evaluation."

So, I walk back to Admissions, talk to someone about a course evaluation and she tells me,

"The head of admissions can give you an idea of what classes may transfer, but it won't be the official course evaluation.  Sadly, you can't really find that out until you register."

That is it!  I give up.  I'm done.  I can't do this anymore.  How does that make any sense at all?  I have to wait until I register to see what classes transfer?  How is that going to work??

The sitcom ends here.  I get back on the train, vent to my mom once again, go to lunch with Matt, go home and lay out by the pool.

  Do I get back into school and become an ultrasound technician?

That story is non-exsistent right now....

And the waiting continues....

Le sigh.



  1. Oh my gosh, what an ordeal! I hope everything works out for you. It's ridiculous how government centers and schools never seem to have their act together. Of all places, you'd think they would!

    1. Hey Christine! Thanks for reading my blogs :) It truly is ridiculous how schools never seem to have their act together. I'm sure it will all work out though!! Hope all is well!
