Friday, September 21, 2012

Lessons to be Learned

First, don't make fun of how I became inspired tonight, but God always has plans...even if they are weird!  Secondly, this may be a little scattered.  It's just how I'm feeling tonight!

Matt and I sat down and watched the Katy Perry documentary movie tonight.  She went through many obstacles to get to where she is at now.  Even seeing her go through a devastating divorce and how hard it was on her emotionally, she still stuck to her passion and dream, and that was inspiring others through her music.

As you've read in my previous posts, I've been trying to get back into school in hopes to apply for the sonography program to become an ultrasound technician.  This whole process has emotionally and mentally drained me.  

On Wednesday, I was at my wits end with getting back into school.  I got no answers and stated I wanted to give up.  I told my mom and Matt that if I don't get enrolled by Spring that I was done trying.  Still trying to stay positive, I made my experiences into a comedy and laughed about it in a blog post!  

Life is a constant battle.  You can never change what life is, but you can definitely change your attitude about it.

**Yesterday, I came across something that made me realize that there could be worse things in life...major reality check.  I started thanking God for all he has blessed me with.**

After watching this movie tonight, I know I'm supposed to be an ultrasound technician.  And I WON'T give up until I become one.

"For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13)

One of my favorite verses ever!

I got all excited tonight and was showing Matt different ultrasound images on google images.  I was like a giddy school girl.  

   God has a plan for everything, and He has taught me a lot about patience and trusting Him.  I've gone through all this to LEARN.  To LEARN how to become an individual and independent.  To LEARN how to become confident enough in myself and my abilities in order to no longer experience anxiety and fear about trying something new, like going down to a new school to apply to.

I've always had major self-confidence issues and have always relied on other people to get me where I needed to be.  Some people would call that immature, but I call it being dependent on someone.  That's all I ever knew.

My first plane ride by myself, living by myself for the summer of 2011, experiencing the whole driver's license thing by myself, and getting back into school by myself...  

Those were all in God's plan....

God's plan to teach me how to be independent.

  I've learned through all of this that it is healthier to be an individual and to independently do things yourself; in the end, you become a stronger person.  In the end, you've learned how to trust in God.

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) 

Have a wonderful weekend.  Know that you can do anything you set your mind to and with the grace of God by your side.

God Bless!

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